Sunday, December 24, 2006

再談中興 Cell Paper 事件

前面提過這幾天 Blog 流量大增,從來源可以看出很多是從台灣各個大學連過來的,現在大概鋒頭真的是過了,以台灣新聞報導的習性應該只要不要有人白目故意提起,是不會再有醒目報導了,或許這是講講這事到現在一些想法的好時機。

一開始是 MSN 聊天時朋友說道他的另一個朋友用 MSN 告訴他這篇 paper Fig. 2C 有造假的嫌疑,特地把 paper 抓了下來看了看圖,跟朋友說應該還好吧,相信應該不是假的。基本上科學研究還是要以信賴為基礎。就連原始資料不見了要撤回 paper 時其實心裡都還覺得應該不致於會造假,只是等到後來張邦彥實驗室流出來的 Fig. 2c repeat 圖片被發現有塗改的痕跡;乃至連不相關的 JBC paper 也被發現圖片有修改的痕跡,事情就真的大條了。

事件爆發之後一直留心台灣學生對這事的反應跟想法,老實說看到現在心裡真的是很失望。不知是否是被「台灣第一篇『本土』Cell paper」的光環綁架,還是受到檢舉的學生來自中國大陸所致,重點完全不在「是否圖片有造假」這事上,反而一再強調「等待實驗再現性的結果出來」與「中國大陸心態的可議與偏頗」。有人出聲質疑還會招來落井下石之類的譏評,想想實在為台灣科學教育感到悲哀。

整件事有兩個部分,Cell paper 中的「內容結論是不是真的」與「圖片等資料是不是真的」,兩者沒有必然的關聯性,台灣整個科學界現在的處置方法就是給張兩個月重做實驗證明他 paper 的「內容結論」為真,但對圖片等問題卻一直模糊以對,對外只說是「直接在原始資料上標示導至資料缺失不全」。要查清楚 paper 結論是否為真固然重要,但難道只要內容為真後者就無關緊要船過水無痕了嗎?還是等到無法再現實驗時再回頭公幹圖片作假的問題?

JBC paper Fig. 1 也是差不多的問題,這事上面好一些,有原始資料,看起來也與 paper 的圖是相符的,問題就出在作者似乎局部修飾了結果,也蓋掉了些與看來重點無關的部分,作者遇到質疑也僅一直強調他有原始圖片並對被質疑修改的部分堅稱是軟體的問題,但當這部分遇到更多質疑時卻又沒有進一步的說明。

Cell paper 的問題至少中興都開過會問過學生了,在原始資料上標示等情事怎不說明具體詳細一點,Fig. 2C repeat 圖片被發現有塗改痕跡後也完全不加說明,JBC 上的圖也是一般,兩篇作者皆試圖澄清他們沒有問題,只是當遇到更多質疑時便噤聲不語,親近的同學出來背書同時又承認自己嘗試過但做不出來那樣的方格效果。中興的學生遇到這事可能感到很悲憤覺得很委曲,但這樣胡亂幫忙保證實在一點幫助都沒有,再加上護航攻擊人那就更糟了。

實驗結論的再現性跟圖片有沒有造假是兩個問題,其一為真不表示另一個也必為真,既然張邦彥與中興已經有過初步調查,相信對圖片的問題已經有結論,現在只是等兩個月確認內容結論的真實性,為何遲遲不把圖片部分說清楚,外界質疑的那些圖片, Cell Fig. 2C repeat 與 JBC Fig. 1 到底是怎麼回事?這事可以做為台灣科學教育一個很好的教材,對台灣教育的發展是有幫助的,若是為了保護學生這並不是正確的作法,若他們是清白的把詳情說明清楚才是對他們最好的作法。

再說另一個台灣學生顯現的迷思,認為「等到確認實驗結果為真就真相大白,沒有造假」,或者有人還會認為那圖片顯現的結果也是真的,所以沒有問題。要知道好歹唸到博士的人不該會笨到哪裡去,沒有幾個人會真的以為拿假資料可以混一輩子不被發現的。那為甚麼還有人願意冒險?其實在很多例子,當下他們都相信自己是對的,所以這造假只是借時間的「權宜」之計,等到搶到了 credit 別人也重覆了自己的結論自然就沒有問題了。壞就壞在有時太過自信,結果他的想法是錯的,當然不能排除有人猜對了,造假依然沒被發現,但沒被發現不能改變這是件錯事的事實,何況張邦彥這次兩篇 paper 都被發現有問題?

與其關心張邦彥與他的「本土」Cell paper,不如把注意力放在到底這些學生做了錯事沒有,以及若真做錯了該怎麼處置上面。


Anonymous said...

yeah, this year when I went to vancouver for the annual meeting of 4S (society for social studies of science), there was a whole panel on the Huang issue--you know, ethics of research, social contextualization of the fraud, nationalism and science....stuff like that. I totally agree with you that this case should be taken as an instructing material for new scientists and even outsiders to science. However, to my disappointment, there has been no replies at all among Taiwanese social scientists of science, whose mailing list I have been on for a while.

Red said...

Yes, it is kind of disappointing that not many people in TW really care about this scandal and I still don't understand why though.

BTW, I think maybe you will be interested in the article "Whipping (with whips) up enthusiasm" on my Alog.

Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read that Alog. That reminded me of an episode of House I saw the other day. The severely addicted but Vicodin-deprived House improsoned himself in his own house (what an ironical coincidence) when Cameron came to visit him asking for his medical opinion on a small dwaft girl. She saw multiple parallel slashes on his forearm and asked, and then House said, "Oh, I cut myself, which released endorphin and made me feel better..."

Anonymous said...

Yeah. This is really a turning point. Hope it can turn to a good direction.

I regret that about the disclosure of this misconduct, the identity craps sneak into the the dispute (even at the very first, some Chinese students suggest to keep things low-down, because we are all chinese).

But right now, I do not understand why Taiwanese can still argue against Mainlanders even after the stupid under-processing pictures came out. Sigh~~~

Red said...

To Catatonia,

"Russian scientists recommend the following course of the whipping therapy: 30 sessions of 60 whips on the buttocks in every procedure. A group of drug addicts volunteered to test the new method of treatment: the results can be described as good and excellent."


To Chun-Ting,


Anonymous said...

can I quote the blog's discussions on the Chang Bang-yang case?

Red said...

Sure, no problem.