Sunday, June 29, 2008











抖 ~


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Interesting Article

Althuogh recently I rarely post articles about science in my Blog (WeB-LOG), I still keep updating my Alog (Article-LOG, at the right sidebar). Just read one news from Sciencenow -

"Gay Genes" May Be Good for Women

some quotes:
Camperio Ciani's team suggests that these gay genes may actually increase how attracted both men and women are to men rather than making gay men more "feminine," as some researchers had earlier proposed. Although this is bad for male fertility, it is good for female fertility and allows such genes to survive at low but stable rates in a population, the authors say.

Dean Hamer, a behavioral geneticist at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, who pioneered the search for gay genes, calls the study "an elegant mathematical analysis." He adds that the team has come up with a "simple solution" to the Darwinian paradox posed by homosexuality: "What is a 'gay gene' in a man is a 'superstraight gene' in a woman," he says.

Any thought? California just joined Massachusetts as the only two states in the US allowed same-sex marriage. Life could be tough for them especially when they were teenage. There are some gays in our department. One of them ever told me how he defended himself when classmates trying to humiliate him in public, by asking if he is gay, intentionally. He replied:

"Yes, I am gay; and I just slept with your dad last night. It felt sooooooooooooooooo good!"

Although it is a bit mean, but I think it's a pretty good defense to other mean people.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

City of Champions

Well, Celtics finally end the 22-year drought and bring back the NBA champions.

In the first two rounds, actually I was against the Celtics, rooting for the underdog. Then in the NBA finals, when they played Lakers and the overrated Phil Jackson, without a doubt I am in green.

In one hand, I am happy that Celtics win another Champtions for Boston, in another, it keeps remind me what it would be if Patriots didn't lost the Superbowl. It still hurts, sigh.

Maybe from this one one, RedSox, Patriots, Bruins, and Revolutions, will win another four champtions in a row, making Boston a real city for champions. We'll see.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


凡凡現在帶出去越來越喜歡耍寶,愛現又人來瘋,凡凡常聽到別的媽媽對他說 "hi dear!" ,現在到公園遇見其她小女孩也會跟人家說 "hi dear!",真是‧‧‧

這次趁雨停帶到 science center 中庭透透氣,讓凡凡跑跑,一直講一些星星下山了星星回去了。

Saturday, June 14, 2008






這次就是這樣被罰坐 naughty chair,坐著一陣子後想看電視,發現電視也不可以看,開始覺得委曲了。想偷偷爬起來被喊一聲坐好,就尿尿了。不知是故意尿的還是真的被嚇到尿出來,最後都還是達到了凡凡的目的,可以起來不用再坐 naughty chair 了。





Sunday, June 8, 2008




禮拜天端午節,每年這時候 Charles River 上都有划龍舟競賽,還有舞龍舞獅扯鈴一些有的沒的中國民俗表演。週週去河邊玩的凡凡自然是不會錯過,不過,這周日實在是太熱了,太陽也烈,沒多久凡凡就一頭大汗,滿臉通紅了。

Friday, June 6, 2008

Blocking Peptide of GFP

Hmm... Does anyone here happen to know what is the epitope of the monoclonal anti-GFP (3E6) antibody?

3E6 is a monoclonal anti-GFP antibody wildly used. We would like to use it for protein purification of the GFP-fusion proteins from mammalian cell lysate. The problem is, we need the blocking peptide to compete and elute the bound GFP-fusion protein from the antibody. Does anyone know the epitope sequence of 3E6?

I spent my whole afternoon googling and found nothing... sigh.

I also sent emails to three companies selling this antibody; hopefully someone will answer me.

Sunday, June 1, 2008




禮拜天帶凡凡去 Design School 旁的中東研究中心附近野餐,那邊有個斜坡,凡凡在草地上一路滾下來,不過有點假,滾到了平地還在滾,滾了好遠還不停。