Sunday, September 28, 2008










Saturday, September 27, 2008

TGIF Posters 092608

The first week after school reopened, should be something worthy for waiting, such as TGIF posters?

From our neighbor department, very creative and interesting poster for their microbeer hour.

I took this picture on Thursday.

"With free beer just around the corner, you might as well hold off jumping for one more day."

Sounds funny right?

Hmm...obviously not everyone agrees on that, especially under recent economic climates.

So, in the Friday morning, all the "jumper" posters were gone, replaced by this one.

Now everybody looks happy, at least in the poster.

Here is the posters from our department. It is our turns in charge of this week's happy hour. As our postdoc candidate visiting, it once again went to a very disorganized way.

Initially we wanted some Indian food, but they charged us $800 with $150 delivery fee. So we had hot dog at the end.

For the poster, finally Aaron made one hours before the end of Thursday.

The problem is, no one can get it.

It was for the (famous?) picture of Tim in Woods Hole.

After all, it doesn't matter people can get it or not. They still have free beer and hot dogs, which should be enough to keep them happy for a while.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

PostDoc Candidates Visiting

This week we had two postdoc candidates coming for visit, on Tuesday and Thursday respectively.

Usually it is on students' shoulder arranging schedule for our guests. This time, somehow, Tim kept the job in his hand. As expected, it went to a pretty disorganized way...

No one knows who those two are in advance. No one was asked to sign-up talking with our visitors.

The first one came from UCSF (of course, where else it could be?), working on structural biology. She did a good PhD. However seems has no idea what she gonna do and why pick our lab...

The visit of second one is even more "interesting". In the morning when he came to the conference room, no one was there. Tim backed to the lab and told everybody there was a talk downstairs.

Then right before the talk, Tim said he hurted his back in the morning. So he would lay down on the ground. Thus the talk was given with Tim confortably laid down on the floor, with a pillow behind his head, a strange view.

It's not over yet, later the fire alarm came to interrupt the talk, Chris went out and found it was from our neighbor connected building. We decided to ignore it but our guest had to give his talk all the way with annoying alarming sound.

I wonder who will join our lab after all these...haha.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am Old

No, not me. It's a quote from Tim during our discussion.

Recently I've struggled a bit on the storyline of my research. In brief, I am interested in a big question which can be divided to 4 or 5 small questions. Those sub-questions are different but all correlate to one another, making it difficult to pack into one story.

Thus I went to Tim and Chris asking for opinions. We then discussed details and problems in each direction. Questions in cytokinesis are difficult to tackle, since usually in there are more than one system working at the same time. You need everything to do anything.

At one point, Tim suddenly laughed and said:

"If it's five year ago, I would never do that. Ha-ha, I couldn't believe I make this suggestion to my student. You can try to fuse some kinases with kinesins, transfect to the cell, and see what happens."

Tim continued: "As a cell biologist, usually you take out things from a system and see what changes. If you are creating something not existing in the system, it is fake. That's why cell biologists don't use that kind of approach. I always thought in that way."

"However, after I talked to Windell Lim, suddenly I felt I am so conservative! I am old! What the hell! Maybe it's time for us to move on and try something bold."

Windell Lim, a UCSF professor, visited our department and had a discussion with Tim last week. Tim seemed to be very impressive on Lim's work. He even suggested Aaron, who just gradutaed, doing his postdoc in Lim's lab.

Lim works on synthetic biology, adding new components to systems, pretty cool.

Sunday, September 21, 2008







帶到 Charles River 旁的大路上讓凡凡儘情地飆車。

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Palin's response to Tina Fey's SNL show

Geez, gotta show it. From Jon Stewart Daily Show, the clip about Sarah Palin's response to Tina Fey's SNL opening.

Palin said it is hilarious. She watched it, however, on MUTE.

Yeah, that is REALLY hilarious...

As Jon Stewart, we had him as the keynote speaker in our program retreat two years ago. He is funny, although I don't like him as much as others do.

New Soul - Yael Naim

This morning I visited a friend who just delivered a very beautiful baby girl hours ago, sending her a car seat burrowed from another friend, for the hospital checkout.

I had this poster ready right after the Macbook commercial parody one, but somehow forgot to post it. Now it seems to be a perfect fit, a new soul coming to the (strange?) world.

Congrats to my friend and hope you all enjoy this MV, a pretty beautiful one.

New Soul - Yael Naim

I'm a new soul \ I came to this strange world hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take \ But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every possible mistake


I'm a young soul \ In this very strange world hoping I could learn a bit bout what is true and fake \ But why all this hate? try to communicate finding trust and love is not always easy to make


This is a happy end 'cause you don't understand everything you have done why's everything so wrong? \ This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand I'll take you far away

I'm a new soul \ I came to this strange world hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take \ But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear finding myself making every possible mistake

I'm a new soul... (la, la, la, la,...) in this very strange world... \ Every possible mistake \ Possible mistake \ Every possible mistake \ Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes... \ Take take take take take... take a mistake \ Take, take a mistake
Take, take a mistake

If you wanna learn how to play this song on piano, here it is.

New Soul Tutorial

The tab can be found here .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008





快樂兒童餐的玩具 - 蝙蝠車,做得還挺不錯的。



Monday, September 15, 2008

SNL - Palin & Clinton

The opening of last week's SNL. Everyone is talking about it, I even read it on today's Metro (a free bus/subway/train paper).

As always, Tina Fey is awesome!

You have to admit that Hillary Clinton actually is a better candidate against McCain to win the coming presidential election.

Obama won the primary as a celebrity; now he is losing it to Sarah Palin because she is even younger and more Washington-outsider than he is.

As many people feeling the same way, Obama always reminds me of A-bian. It's just a shame that Hillary didn't nail it in the primary.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm a King

中午帶凡凡去參加 Cambridge Community Party,裡面有很多小孩子的活動,讓凡凡自己畫了頂王冠,凡凡很高興,連在家裡也常拿起來戴著跑來跑去。







先是說小雞雞變大了,這段沒拍到,再來不知為甚麼接著說 「小雞雞飛走咧」。

Friday, September 12, 2008



說實話我覺得這十五位研究人員的理由有點糟,不是外國怎樣台灣就一定要怎樣才行,扯到健康又更遠了。我想這裡面更重要的問題應該是 - 為甚麼大家都已經理所當然地認為吃飯「就該」看電視?








事件的起點 - 中研院院刊的投書

Reading Extension:
吃飯就該高分貝? 該思考的文化


電視新聞配飯 中研院學者抓狂

另一種聲音》接觸時事 只剩這頓飯了

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

WTF to New York Post

This is the frontpage of the classy New York Post. What the hell are they thinking? "Yahoo!" for Brady's injury is way too much and way too low.

Yes, I know. You can argue it means "Yahoo!" the website saying Brady is out for season.

Do you really believe that? Everyone knows editors tend to be slick, witty and cunning, especially in devising headlines. There's no way on earth this wasn't meant to have a double meaning. Simply lack of class.

Now it raises up my passion for the coming game this Sunday. It will be very interesting and give me tremendous joy if the New York "the new team to beat" Jets lose to the New England "Brady-less, crappy" Patriots.

Wait and see.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Season Starts, Season Ends.

After the long time waiting, finally it's football season again.

It should be the year for Pats to complete the unfinished mission in Superbowl.

First game, hosting Chiefs at home.

Seven minutes later, the season is over, at least to me.


Sunday, September 7, 2008




Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A New Interesting Course

Finally I finished my abstract for the ASCB in December at San Francisco, trying hard to present something which is not relevant to the core of my current studies...

One annoying thing of ASCB annual meeting is, there are too many weasels in it. If you present some preliminary data, very likely you will see a similar but incomplete study published on some mediocre journals 6 months later. It just happened on one postdoc in our lab last month (uh...okay, in his case, it is 7 months later)

Right after I submitted my abstract, I got an email notice about new courses provided this semester. One of them is very interesting. I definitely will "audit" it (unfortunately right now I just don't have the luxury to spend most of my time on one course).

Here it is. Pretty cool.
Visualizing Molecular Processes with Maya for Beginners
Course Director and Lecturer: Gael McGill, Ph.D. (Founder and CEO of Digizyme,

This series of classes will offer students an introduction to advanced scientific visualization techniques using some of Hollywood’s leading 3D software packages (including Autodesk Maya, Luxology modo, and Maxon Cinema4D). Focus will be placed on existing modeling and animation tools for purposes of visualizing biological processes. Students will also become familiar with methods for importing PDB and other structural data into these 3D packages via a number of molecular graphics programs. Each session will be divided into a 1 hour lecture (during which general concepts will be reviewed) followed by 2 hours of computer lab (during which students will follow scripted tutorials). Guest lecturers will also share some of their unique production techniques for molecular animation. The culmination of all the lectures and lab-based tutorials will be for each student to complete a short scientific visualization – all take-home assignments will be geared towards the creation of this animation.

Please note: All HILS students are eligible to attend this series of courses. Students registering for this course must attend all 8 sessions and complete all assignments. All sessions will be held in the Countway Library at Harvard Medical School on Fridays from 9am-12pm. Students who fulfill these requirements will be awarded credit for 4 nanocourses.

Because of the significant time involved in completing the assignments outside of class, all students must have permission from their thesis advisors to participate. A ‘registration form’ for the course is attached. Please submit this registration form at We are limited to just 8 students so submit your registration asap if you are interested in participating.

Course dates are as follows...
Session 1: October 10th
Session 2: October 17th
Session 3: October 24th
Session 4: October 31st
Session 5: November 7th
Session 6: November 14th
Session 7: December 5th
Session 8: Decebmer 12th

MacBook Air Parody

I am not sure if people not in the US ever watched this MacBook Air. Here is the original one.

Macbook Air

Since the MacBook Air came to the market, its commercial has became the popular parody material. Most of them are boring, but there are still some good ones.

I really love this one, pretty creative!
Mac Air

When I watched this one, I had no idea what it is talking about, until the end.

This one is the sweetest one... really reminds me the days when the tiny soft FanFan just arrived to the world.