Friday, May 30, 2008



The Change We Can Believe In

Monday, May 26, 2008

FanFan, So You Think You Can Dance ?

比起 American Idol,So You Think You Can Dance 好看多了,肢體舞蹈比歌唱更直接,沒有語言的隔閡,也沒有外表俊美與否的考量,單純就是跳舞。

等了好久總算 American Idol 做完了,換 So You Think You Can Dance 上檔首播,期待的原因主要還是因為凡凡現正是喜歡跳舞的年紀,好奇凡凡看到電視上的人跳舞會有甚麼反應。


Phillip Chbeeb


William Wingfield


Robert Muraine

This guy is amazing. Althuogh I don't think he can survive in this competition with other dancing styles except pops, this clip is so entertaining and simply awesome!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


凡凡在 Charles River 旁,看到欄杆一時興起想穿過去,沒想到自己已經長大了不少,擠到一半再也過去去了,直喊著「卡住」「卡住」!想盡各種辦法想擠過去,帽子都給弄掉了。


凡凡現在很愛「ㄍㄟ ㄠ/」(逞能),在 Cambridge common 玩了一陣子想說再帶他到河邊躺著休息吹風,把外套穿上,結果凡凡堅持要自己拉拉鍊,拉了好半天拉不起來,只有嘴巴一直講著「連起來」。

最後實在沒辦法了,想把外套脫掉,改說要回家看 "Lightning"。 (指的是 Lightning McQueen,就是 Disney 電影 Cars 裡的主角,凡凡最愛的電影,裡面全部角色都是車子)

Lightning McQueen

Red Sox "Fan"

凡凡戴著 RedSox 的帽子還蠻好看的,凡凡媽媽說比凡凡爸爸戴著時好看多了。

下一步就是教凡凡講 Let's Go Red Sox 了!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

NBA "Fan"

補一個上週日在河邊的 clip,一直沒有時間弄。

凡凡帶著 Maine retreat 眾多戰利品之一的銀色小球,想學著電視上 NBA 球員「運球」,一直不得要領,最後就放棄了。

Friday, May 23, 2008


最近一樣忙,連凡凡的照片影片都快沒時間弄,上禮拜天去 Charles River 旁吃午餐,轉眼拖了快一個禮拜了。只好先放幾張照片充數。


The Art of Dramatic Writing

This morning, as usual, I was one minute late for the shuttle, eyeing it away. The next bus would be 15 minute later. Thus I turned to Lamont library right besides the bus stop, and looked for a book I really wanted to read.

This Tuesday Uri Alon gave a pizza talk titled "how to give a good talk". As expected, it resembled tons of talks with similar titles. One thing different is Uri emphasized to give a talk, write a paper, is pretty much like write a play. He strongly recommended the book "The Art of Dramatic Writing" to us. That is why I want to read it in the first place.

It is a very old book (1967) originally for the play writers. I read the preface and first few pages. It seems to be a good book. I like it, so far.

The first time I felt happy to miss a bus.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Clips of Uri's Theory Lunch Talk

This is new and just on-lined, the clip of last week's theory lunch talk, given by Uri Alon. I think probably some of you might like to take a look at it.

He just gave another talk today at our regular Tuesday Pizza talk (yes, another free lunch!). Will talk about it later, I am really busy these days, for goods and bads.

Here is the clips of his theory lunch talk given on last Friday.

By this movie you can tell it is really a very interactive environment for giving a talk. I really like this kind of activities.

And at last, Uri Alon's Song - Sunday at the Lab.

Wise words???

Friday, May 16, 2008

Alon's Theory Lunch

Today I didn't go to the theory lunch due to the busy schedule of my live-imaging experiments, although I still went to our kitchen after it, looking for the left over from the theory lunch.

Today's speaker is Uri Alon, again. I already had two his talks since he came to our department, one from his voluntary given theory lunch, and the other from the retreat in Maine. This is his official theory lunch. I asked people what he talked about, and it seemed to be very similar to his previous talks.

All three Uri's talks focus on one thing - the importance of non-scientific part in science. He has a very unique view. We had all been taught that doing science should be objective. Uri thinks the subjective part is also very important and has been ignored. For instance, to select a project.

People are working on things they think are important (at least, most of the time...) The problem is what I think is important could be totally not important from your view. Here we come the subjective part.

How to select a project? It is a vital question for all of us doing sciences. there is a border between known and unknown, and our goal is to cross the border from known to unknown as deep as possible. The most ideal situation is to dig out most unknown information by easy experiments. This is the dream project for everyone. However, this kind of cases are difficult to find. Usually we end up choosing difficult approaches for having the least unknown.

Why is that? Uri thinks because most of the time we will jump on the first project comes to our mind. And it usually is not a good project (under the "difficult experiment, less information" category) Thus, Uri has a "3-month rule" for people just join his lab. That is any new member in the lab is not allowed to do any experiment for the first three months, only spending their time on generating good projects.

I am impressed on this rule, and discuss it with Dan, a physics postdoc in our lab and a soon-to-be Harvard assistant professor. I asked Dan if he will follow this 3-month rule in his own lab. Dan said not everyone has that kind of luxury to wait 3 months before start doing experiments. Especially under such kind of funding climate, he might be kicked out if he really follow the rule. I agree with him, partly. I think it could still help you in a long term, but understand it could be too difficult to ask a junior faculty doing this.

The only new thing I missed is Uri played guitar and sang a song during this theory lunch... Sounds cool.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


春天終於到了,想說帶著凡凡到 Charles River 旁散步。河畔已綠葉成蔭,河面也時可見小船划過,整個讓人感到很舒服。


每到週末,Charles River 旁的大馬路就會封起來,整個開放給人們散步,溜直排輪,還有騎腳踏車,十分愜意,所以凡凡跑到大馬路上也沒有關係不用太擔心。



Friday, May 9, 2008

Non-Alcohlic Beverage

In our department, to enhance the interactions among people from different fields, we have a big luxury kitchen, serving snacks and drinks almost all the time.

However, by Massachusetts state laws, it is illegal to stock alcoholic drinks in a place where anyone can access. Thus we put a lock on the door of refrigerator, with a note saying

"If you are under 21 years old and looking for a drink that's cold, in the other fridge you will find the beverage of the non-alcoholic kind"

And here is the note on the other fridge's door...

Beverage of the non-alcoholic kind... such as BEER???

Oops OPT

This summer I will go to Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) at Woods Hole as a visiting scholar to serve as a teaching assistant from July 5 - July 19, 2008 in the Physiology course.

As an F1 visa holder, I have to apply an Employment Authorization Document in order to receive reimbursement and stipend, that is, the OPT. I have not applied yet but just realized it usually takes three months to get the permission.

How comes it takes so long to get approved... I guess I have to find some other ways to get reimbursed...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Sims Parody

I guess most of you might not know what "The Sims" is. Sims is a popular PC game to simulate the regular living. We loved this game when we got one as a gift with our IBM laptop in Taiwan.

I still remember how difficult it is to raise a baby in that game. You have to get out the bed numerous times to feed the infant during the night. Sadly in most cases, it ended with social workers came in and took away the baby. Thanks God we are doing a better job in real life!

This is a "The Sims" parody that was at the start of a Drew Carey ep. (s06e01), a funny clip.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


"Recently Guillaume, Maha, and I published a paper claiming that the pores of cytoplasm are much smaller than people thought. Whether it's true or not...... I don't know. What the hell, it is on a physics journal."

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Retreat Day 3

Retreat 第三天起床吃完早餐,準備回家。由於路途很遠,飯店也準備了午餐盒讓大家在路上吃。


帶著凡凡指定要的「這顆球」本打算去籃球場投籃的,凡凡邊玩邊跑,最後就到了 Science Center 了。


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Retreat Day 2

Retreat 的地點有一個遊樂場,帶凡凡去玩,凡凡玩得超高興,每一樣都要玩一下。

遊樂場裡的機器玩一次要 50 cent 到幾塊錢不等,我們 department 實在是太體貼了,cover 了所有花費,所以櫃檯上就擺著滿滿的 quarters (yes, the real money!),大家也很配合,一下子就用完了所有的硬幣,工作人員幾乎每幾分鐘就要拆開一條 10 元的 quater bar。

凡凡很喜歡的就是夾球的機台,玩個不停。玩一次要 50 cent, 我們大概玩了 50 塊錢吧 (yes, department pays for it!),一直投一直夾,最後連凡凡都知道怎麼把球夾起來了。


愛車的凡凡自然也喜歡開車,不過腳還不夠長踩不到油門跟煞車,Roy 的兒子很好心地來幫忙壓住油門,最後凡凡媽媽也請他跟凡凡一起開車。



Friday, May 2, 2008

Retreat Day 1

Retreat 第一天,早上從醫學院坐了三個小時的車到了 Sebasco 之後,吃完午飯凡凡迫不及待要四處逛逛看看玩玩。





SysBio Retreat

View Larger Map

This year we have our retreat in Sebasco Harbor, Maine, a very beautiful place.

Our department covers everything. My room is nearby the lake with really great views. These are exactly the view from my room throught windows at two sides.

I realized sometime you really need a break like this, to clean your mind and rethink abour your own projects. It brings you peaceful mind, really helps on whether you are thinking.

On the Road to Maine

Now I am on the road to Maine for our departmental retreat. Yes, I am one of the few people in our lab who are going to the retreat.

Aaron said we are too cool for that retreat. From some points of view, I agree with him on that. Family is still the primary reason I go. Again, the department kindly lets us bring our familt with us. Since it is free, and in a beautiful harbor resort in Maine, why not?

I am proud of that I have never owned a cell phone. But the progress of technology quite surprises me. I am riding a bus on the highway to Maine but can still use its free WiFi internet access for blogging. Wow~

Is that very common nowadays? Maybe I am in the lab for too long.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Five O'Clock World

Somehow the people dancing sence in the MV of "Feist 1234" which I just posted really reminds me the opener of Drew Carey Show - "Five O'Clock World".

Geez, I really love that show, although after Kate left the show, it was not as good as it used to be.

Five O'Clock World

Up every mornin just to keep a job \ I gotta fight my way through the hustling mob \ Sounds of the city poundin in my brain \ While another day goes down the drain

But its a five o'clock world when the whistle blows \ No one owns a piece of my time \ And theres a five oclock me inside my clothes \ Thinkin that the world looks fine, yeah

Tradin my time for the pay I get \ Livin on money that I aint made yet \ Ive been goin tryin to make my way \ While I live for the end of the day

Cuz its a five o'clock world when the whistle blows \ No one owns a piece of my time, and \ Theres a long-haired girl who waits, I know \ To ease my troubled mind, yeah \ oh my lady, yeah \ oh my lady, yeah

In the shelter of her arms everythings OK \ When she talks then the world goes slippin away \ And I know the reason I can still go on \ When every other reason is gone,

In my five o'clock world she waits for me \ Nothing else matters at all \ Cuz every time my baby smiles at me \ I know thats its all worthwhile, \ yeah oh my lady, yeah oh my lady, yeah, fade........

Feist - 1234

A very famous song, needless to say anything.


One, two, three, four \ Tell me that you love me more \ Sleepless long nights \ That is what my youth was for \ Old teenage hopes are alive at your door \ Left you with nothing but they want some more \ Oh, you're changing your heart \ Oh, You know who you are

Sweetheart bitterheart now I can't tell you apart \ Cosy and cold, put the horse before the cart \ Those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyes \ Too scared to own up to one little lie \ Oh, you're changing your heart \ Oh, you know who you are

One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten \ Money can't buy you back the love that you had then \ One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, or ten \ Money can't buy you back the love that you had then \ Oh, you're changing your heart \ Oh, you know who you are \ Oh, you're changing your heart \ Oh, you know who you are \ Oh, who you are

For the teenage boys \ They're breaking your heart \ For the teenage boys \ They're breaking your heart