Friday, May 23, 2008

The Art of Dramatic Writing

This morning, as usual, I was one minute late for the shuttle, eyeing it away. The next bus would be 15 minute later. Thus I turned to Lamont library right besides the bus stop, and looked for a book I really wanted to read.

This Tuesday Uri Alon gave a pizza talk titled "how to give a good talk". As expected, it resembled tons of talks with similar titles. One thing different is Uri emphasized to give a talk, write a paper, is pretty much like write a play. He strongly recommended the book "The Art of Dramatic Writing" to us. That is why I want to read it in the first place.

It is a very old book (1967) originally for the play writers. I read the preface and first few pages. It seems to be a good book. I like it, so far.

The first time I felt happy to miss a bus.

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