Sunday, September 30, 2007



自從上禮拜去採蘋果後,凡凡每天都有吃不玩的蘋果。凡凡最喜歡吃的是一種叫「Pink Lady」的新品種蘋果。比五爪蘋果小,凡凡拿在手上剛剛好。





Saturday, September 29, 2007


這個禮拜六 Cambridge City Hall 在北側的公園舉辦 community party,主要的對象是各種年齡層的小朋友,還提供免費的食物飲料和玩具,所以我們也帶著凡凡去湊熱鬧。


公園佔地很廣,應該是 Cambridge 最大的公園。凡凡脫了鞋在草地上跑來跑去,很高興的樣子。

天氣很好,溫度也適中,只是風大了些。不過剛好 Party 有提供免費的風箏,我們帶著凡凡領了一個,凡凡第一次放風箏。不過凡凡好像搞不太懂風箏是怎麼回事,到後來只想趕快把風箏脫手。


Party 裡有很多活動,像贈送免費的遮陽帽,還提供螢光筆讓你在上面作畫。不過凡凡還小,做不來這事。凡凡爸爸就寫幾個中國字在帽子上代替,想現在中文正 in,幾個中國方塊字在外國人眼中一定很炫。凡凡愛吃洋芋片,邊吃還會邊笑,凡凡媽媽說真該送去幫洋芋片公司拍廣告。



Friday, September 28, 2007

Two Talks from Wallace Marshall

Wallace Marshall 一連兩天給了兩場不同性質的 talks,昨天的比較正式,今天中午的 theory lunch 則比較隨性。

Wallace 似乎從以前到現在都沒有甚麼變,一樣的 wild。Tim 是昨天的主持人,介紹時講到他還在 UCSF 時是 Wallace 的 thesis advisory committee,當時 Wallace 的 lab 在 UCSF 的 15 樓,然後 Tim 接著講「你們知道的,那邊空氣比較稀薄,所以 15 樓的人行為都怪怪的,Wallace 也是其中一個。」講完哄堂大笑。

後來 Wallce 還以顏色,在討論 wildtype 和 mutant 差異的時候,Wallace 表示在 Tim 當 committee 的幾年中,對他影響最深的就是 Tim 對 genetics 的看法 -

Tim 當時跟他說「FUCK genetics!」


Wallace 用 chlamydomona 做材料,希望瞭解細胞怎麼調控組成。鞭毛是各種胞器中較簡單較易測量的一個,所以便以鞭毛做他研究的主題。昨天的演講大概就是講他們的 model,Wallace 還提到他們實驗室有一個研究 Economics 的學生,正在用 competition theory 來解決這個鞭毛長短調節的難題。

今天中午的 theory lunch 反而沒有甚麼 model,主要是他們春天時想的一個小計劃,研究 chlamydomona 在水裡要不要沉下去這個問題。

Chlamydomona 直徑約 10 um,用鞭毛游動前進的速度約是 100 um/sec,如果將鞭毛不會動的 mutant 放在水中,那麼這些 chlamydomona mutant 因為布朗運動,會均勻地在水中飄來飄去。如果是 wildtype chlamydomona,均勻分布水中一段時間後會自主地形成一波波的 wave 往下移動,速度是 600 um/sec (單一 chlamydomona 游動速度的六倍)。而這現象只會在 chlamydomona 數量每西西大於十的七次方時才會發生。

Wallace 設計了很多好玩的實驗,像是裝一台小攝影機在離心管裡,然後離心看看重力的影響有多大等等。本來他們以為這個小計劃是個很好的調劑,大概一個禮拜就可以搞定,最後變成了 The Stanford Prison Experiment,每個人都「說好不提」。

該給 theory 的 lunch 當場變成 idea competition,會場的每個人開始幫 Wallace 想些點子實驗該怎麼做下去。Lew Cantley 就建議把實驗移到太空梭上去太空裡做。

另一個小故事,有一次 Wallace 在 Woods Hole 遇到 Conly Rieder,Conly 是個大個子很有力氣,握手總是十分用力。Wallace 跟 Conly 握手之後手痛十分不爽。回家後馬上跑去買了 hand gripper 練握力。那個共有五級,最高的一級叫 Iron-mind,說明是寫只有摔角手這種專業的人才可以握得動;據說那時 Wallace 無時無刻一直手握著 gripper 練力氣,最後 Wallace 練到了第三級,但之後再也沒有遇到 Conly,所以也一直沒有機會報仇。

不知現在到 iron-mind 的境界了沒?這兩天還沒看到有人跟他握手,所以不清楚。

Abnova Part IV

I received my free anti-cep55 antibody from Abnova and did some tests on it. It indeed works for immunofluorescence. Great!

I wrote back to Abnova saying we are happy to share our images with them if interesed. Then I got another good news, they are gonna send me two anti-kif15 antibodies which I am dying to have right now.

Okay, maybe not as much as dying, I am extremely interested in it for some wild ideas. If it works and the result fits our expectation, we definetely will order it from Abnova. Then it will be a win-win situation.

I guess this is the last post in the Abnova thread, unless they are willing to send me more sample antibodies in the future (which I secretly hope so).

Abnova is a nice company with great customer service - my conclusion.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Most Ridiculous Introduction

This is the most ridiculous introduction I've ever heard, ever.

Iran president Ahmadinejad was invited to give a speach in Columbia University, NYC. While being the introducer, Columbia University President Bollinger hammered Ahmadinejad, the guest speaker, before the talk was given.



How ridiculous is it? By only reading the script, you would ask yourself - "who wrote that speech? George W. Bush???".

Of course Bollinger can have his own judgement/opinion on Ahmadinejab, but throwing those harsh critique and questions without citing any reference is simply wrong. He could choose not to be the introducer if he feels it strongly against his "integrity". Since he is still the introducer, try to be civilized and not so rude.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad responds to the hammering he received by Columbia University president Lee Bollinger


I don't like Ahmadinejad either, but the arrogance Bollinger showed in the introduction is not going to embarrass Iran people. Bollinger was embarrassing himself and the poor Columbia University.

Bollinger's behavior is even worse than Larry Summers' stupid speech. Thank God we don't have Bollinger as our president.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Price of Leadership Replacement

This noon our new dean Jeff Flier invited us to join a huge BBQ lunch in the quad, for the beginning of a new academic year (and his first year as our dean). The food is great. I told my colleagues that if this is what happens for having a new dean, we should have a new one every one or two years.

There was a similar ice-cream event in the Old Yard few months ago, for Drew Faust, our new president. The formal installation is set on Oct.12.

I am pretty happy the new semester starts. The campus feels totally different, from full of tourists to full of students. It comes to vivid again. Makes you feel good. That is why I don't want to live in Loogwood but rather in Cambridge, even though winter trafficking is a pain.

Semester begin means the Systems Biology Theory Lunch (aka the FREE Friday lunch) is back too. I just got the new schedule. Wallace Marshall from UCSF is coming to give the first talk this Friday. He will also give "cell biology" talk on Thursday - "How Cells Measure - Exploring the Flagellar Length Control System".

His lab is pretty young. Because of that, it seems the future direction is not fixed and clear yet. I was told Wallace Marshall is a extremely nice and considering person. No wonder he has 6 graduates in his lab already. I am not clear how many students UCSF take every year, but in here it is very rare that a junior faculty can "recruit" so many students in a short term.

I am looking forward to his talks on Thursday and Friday.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Cell Division Symposium @ MIT

This morning I went to the Cell Division Symposium at MIT for several interestd talks. I left early at noon. I have to say it is quite enjoyable biking across Charles River by the Harvard bridge at such a beautiful day!

Yes, the beautiful bridge in front of MIT is named "Harvard bridge", although for unknown reasons, people in MIT like to call it "Mass. Ave. bridge" instead.

I like Andrew, Tarun, and Steve's talks. My friend Ting did most part of the work and was mentioned several times in Steve's talk, pretty impressive! Tim's talk is okay. It is a bit away from so called "Cell Biology". I missed all afternoon talks. I heard Marc Kirschner gave a very boring talk. It surprised me since he is very good at presentation. He probably doesn't take this seriously.

One thing interesting is this meeting is kind of like the K-Lab reunion. Andrew and Steve were both Marc's postdocs. Tim was Marc's student and Tarun was Tim's post-doc.

So, Ting, you and I are in the same pedigree chart!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


說來奇怪,好像男生真的是天生就對車呀飛機之類的東西較感興趣,不過說這話的時候得小心,Larry Summers 當初也是舉自己女兒作例子說他女兒從小就不喜歡玩卡車之類的玩具,來支持他男女天生在科學研究上就不平等的想法;然後結果你們都知道,Larry 旋即被來自四面八方的炮火攻擊,沒多久就下台一鞠躬了。


回到主題,凡凡現在最喜歡的遊戲就是將積木和車子合在一起玩,當然,以凡凡現在的功力,蓋個台北 101 大樓那樣直挺挺的高塔大概還可以,要他用積木蓋個車庫或機房給車子飛機住,就太強人所難,這差事當然就落到凡凡爸爸的頭上。



Happy Feet,噓!

早上起床後放凡凡喜歡看的 Happy Feet 給他看,凡凡並不是只要是電視都愛看,只有他喜歡看的電影或節目才會看得很專心。


Saturday, September 22, 2007

2007 Apple Picking



果然,看到蘋果就樂了起來,跑過去東看西看用手指;想必是沒看過長在樹上的蘋果吧 (其實去年採蘋果就看過,不過我想一定記不得了。)

後來發現我們好像還是來得早了一點,有些蘋果,像 golden delicious,得再等兩個禮拜才會成熟;現在果蒂的部分還不是那麼容易斷,凡凡採的時候往往摘不太下來。

凡凡找了好幾顆蘋果來試,終於成功摘下來了一顆 golden delicious,也摔得人仰馬翻。有了蘋果自然是馬上開始啃,嘗嘗味道如何。採到了也吃著了,心裡高興就開始四處亂跑玩耍去了。

Friday, September 21, 2007

Abnova Part III

After I got the email saying no kif15 antibody for me, I turned to my recent favorite antibody source - Abnova.

I asked them if it is common in Abnova sending customers free samples, or my free anti-Cep55 antibody is just a speical case.

They answered "Actually according to Abnova's policy, we can't send free sample to clients without good reason."

So my free antibody is a speical case.

Then I asked if that is possible to send me another two free anti-kif15(HKLP2) antibodies along with my free anti-Cep55 antibody.

The nice Abnova person said she will discuss my requirement with their front office. And try her best to get the approval.

Even it is not likely to get another two free antibodies, I still think Abnova does a very good job on customer service.

Let's wait and see.

It's All about Rejection

Recently a rarely studied kinesin comes to my attention. Kif15 was reported functioning in post-mitotic neurons. However, because its expressing profile is very close to kinesin-5, we suspect it also plays some roles during cell division.

By searching on PubMed, I wrote an email to a group in Osaka University, Japan, asking for anti-kif15 (HKLP2) antibody. I got their reply in the same day and was told the first author of that paper who now works in RIKEN will send me the antibody.

Then, two days later, I got another email. Here it is:

According to our policy, we're willing to share any published materials with anybody. But this time we can't do it since we don't hold any antibodies against Hklp2.

We are terribly sorry for this inconvenience and disappointment.


Hmm, should I believe that? Maybe they were telling the truth.

Their email triggers my curiosity that if someone asks reagents in your paper which you don't want to share with others, what will you do? or how to reject it?

Here are the tricks I know or have been through.

1. Ignorance - "Pretend you've never received that email"

2. Lies - "We want to send you the reagent but unfortunately we run out of it."

3. Trades - "I am also interested in your xxx, let's make a trade!"

4. Conditional pass - "We are happy to send the required material if you can add our names into the authorship line."

What else?

What will you do if you get such responses?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Super Bowl XXXVIII: Patriots vs. Panthers

In one of the greatest Super Bowls ever, Tom Brady stays one step ahead of Jack Delhomme, leading the New England Patriots to a pulse pounding 32-29 win over the Carolina Panthers.

That Tom Brady's first down gesture (at "08:20 left" in the clip) has been played over and over again on TV. Many of you must feel familiar about it.

When the game is 2-minute remained and the scores are tied, almost every expert thought Patriots should run the clock out, trying to win in OT. However, Tom Brady is Tom Brady. He stepped up, took the risky move, and won the Superbowl.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Abnova Part II

I have to admit Abnova did an outstanding job on their customer service. I am very happy and have a very good impression on them.

Apparently someone in Abnova found my blog and realized I am the person who inquired the anti-Cep55 antibodies (should I feel upset that I lost my secret identity under the codename "Red"? Every superhero owns a secret identity...)

Unfortunately that person misunderstood my post and thought I didn't get their reply. Hence I was contacted by their customer service again, by email last night.

The answer is they have no knowledge on if their anti-Cep55 antibodies work for immunofluorescence or not. However, for serving their customer, to let me do some tests, they are willing to give me the antibody for free.

Geez, I am really impressed! I don't think there will be any antibody company can do a better job than Abnova. Hope they can do well for a long long time.

Good job, Abnova.

BTW, talking about free samples, Mirus is trying to challenge Fugene-6, and they are giving away a 100ul sample for free.

I signed up and got my free sample the next day, by UPS!

The price is cheaper and the efficiency is indeed equal or even better than Fugene-HD on my hands. I think some of you might be interested in it.

2001 AFC Divisional Playoffs vs. Oakland Raiders

The absolutely classic game of Patriots. This game is also well known as the famous "Tuck rule game".

Snow Bowl - Patriots Verses Raiders Awesome Highlights

Basically, the Tuck rule was correctly applied. Hate the rule, not the team. In fact, most people don't (want to) know, same situation happened during the regular season in the same year when Patriots visited Jets. During this game a call was made in favor of the Jets based on the same "Tuck" rule - keep this fact in mind.

Tom Brady, the biggest steal in NFL drafts ever (round 6, #199), that is another story...

LabLinks: Cell Division

A small symposium of cell division studies in Boston area. It is in MIT. I will go. The talks I am interested are labeled. Hmm...maybe Dannel McCollum talk too.

LabLinks: Cell Division
Monday, September 24, 2007, 8:55 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.
Stata Center's Kirsch Auditorium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building 32, Room 123
32 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA

9:00-9:30 Andrew Murray, Harvard University
Getting It Right First Time: How to Bias Chromosome Segregation

9:30-10:00 Tarun Kapoor, Rockefeller University
Examining Phosphorylation Dynamics During Cell Division

10:00-10:40 Nancy Kleckner, Harvard University
Chromosomes as Mechanical Objects

11:10-11:40 Stephen Doxsey, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Asymmetric Events During Cytokinesis and Their Consequences

11:40-12:10 Tim Mitchison, Harvard Medical School
Imaging and Pharmacology of the Mitotic Spindle

2:00-2:40 Keynote Speaker Marc Kirschner, Harvard Medical School
Exiting the Mitotic Checkpoint

2:40-3:10 Terry Orr-Weaver, Whitehead Institute/MIT
Cell Cycle Control of the Completion of Meiosis and the Start of the Embryonic Cycles

3:10-3:40 Dannel McCollum, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Coordination of Cytokinesis and Mitotic Exit

4:10-4:40 Alan Grossman, MIT
Control of DNA Replication, Transcription and Cell Division in Bacillus subtilis

4:40-5:10 Angelika Amon, MIT/HHMI
Consequences of Aneuploidy

Monday, September 17, 2007

Patriots Jets Cheating Video LEAKED

這陣子鬧的很大的 camera-gate 事件讓愛國者成了落水狗,一些媒體和球迷也樂著追打,使得上禮拜天的 Chargers-Patriots 之戰變成全美的焦點。

Chargers 去年季後賽被 Patriots 給逆轉翻盤,賽後總教練被炒,一直憤憤不平想要報仇;遇到這個機會自然不會放過,明星跑鋒 Tomlinson 賽前便頻頻放話說他一點也不意外愛國者會做這種事;愛國者球員則是低調冷冷地回應說「等到禮拜天就知道了」。

在賽前 Fox 不知從哪兒拿到了 Patriots 偷拍 Jets 的帶子,播了出來。我原先以為是多複雜的手勢;裡面記者講的有問題,每場比賽都會換手勢的,沒有一隻隊伍會傻傻地從一直用同一套手勢。Stealing signals 這事一直都存在,愛國者這次爆掉的原因是因為他用明文禁止的 video 拍;舉例來說,NFL 的球隊便常派出假記者跑去坐在媒體席或觀眾席偷看並記錄這些 signals。而你也可以看到,裡面有好幾個人同時在做手勢,其中只有一個人是真的下指令,其他人放的都是混淆對手監看的假訊號。

有人說看起來很像四個人在場邊跳 YMCA。哈哈。




回到家比賽剛好開始,結果跟我的預期一樣,Chargers 被 Patriots 一路壓著痛打,不,應該說輸得比我預期還慘;賽前放話諷刺的 Tomlinson 一路被壓制,連 50 碼都跑不出來,被狠狠羞辱了一頓。Camera-gate 讓媒體和對手天天批,早已超過該有的比例,結果反讓愛國者全隊有種 "us against the whole world" 的悲壯感,在全美轉播的這場比賽,把去年季後賽輸了不服氣的 Chargers 打趴到地上去了。

說真的,如果不是下半場 Tom Brady 開始執行 rushing game to eat the clock time,愛國者不會只有拿 38 分而已,第四節光一個 drive 就推了十分鐘,Chargers 半點機會都沒有。

Sunday, September 16, 2007







影片裡面凡凡有個坐在窗台上抬腳的動作,可能很多人都會覺得這是個怪異的動作,可是我看了卻感到很熟悉,好像在哪兒看過;想了一下終於想到,原來這就是 Patriots 的 Tom Brady 開球前習慣性的抬腳動作嘛!凡凡果然沒有辜負對他的期望,往 the future Tom Brady 的路上前進!

Happy Feet !


前陣子給凡凡看了"Happy Feet",凡凡非常喜歡這部電影,雖然沒甚麼劇情,故事也不太合理,不過對小朋友而言則是娛樂價值十足,凡凡現在則是三不五時便學著電影裡面的小企鵝「曼波」跳踢踏舞。

Happy Feet 電影預告 - 小企鵝曼波跳舞

Friday, September 14, 2007

Are Open-Access Journals not Popular among Scientists ?

I strongly feel I should at least mention something related to sciences on TGIF. Unfortunately the theory lunch has not started yet. So let's take a look on the article in my A-log.

Scientists are wary of open-access journals

I am kind of at a stage choosing journals. Basically what this article said is very close to what I've heard here. My problem is my manuscript is too big for most "higher" profile journals and probably the no-limitation PLoS Biology will be an option at the end.

Scientists are wary of open-access journals'. Research Information 2007; 30:5.

A recent study from researchers at University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the University of Munich, showed that researchers are reluctant to publish their research within open-access outlets, even if open-access publications have higher speed of publication and citation rates. According to this study academics are positive about the speed at which online journals spread new findings to academic world, but more than 50% of them said that open-access is not well-known enough to use it as a medium for publishing works, and that open-access publications lack a guarantee of long term availability of research. This situation suggests a gap between positive attitude toward open-access publication and a low level of use of this means.

What A Weekend for Boston !

What a weekend!

Starting from today, the TGIF, the well-known evil New York Yankees are coming to bean town for the last 3-game rematch with our beloved Red Sox.

Both teams are pretty much guaranteed for their playoff spots, but as you know, the long-time rivalry between these two always make you excited.

There are two 18-win pitchers in MLB right now, Beckett in Red Sox and Chien-Ming Wang in Yankees. They are going to face each other in the second game on Saturday 3:30pm. Fox will do a Nationwide broadcast.

I am kind of sick of the "glory of Taiwan" stuff, saying every Taiwanese should support Wang. Wang is playing for the Yankees and of course I wish he loses every game he starts. That is nothing to do with patriotism.

Just try to answer this simple question. Will all New Yorkers root for Beckett in that game just because it is an American (Beckett) against a non-American (Wang) ???

There will be only one 19-win pitcher after this Saturday.

And it will be Beckett.

And, SD Chargers is coming for revenge this Sunday. After the videotaping-gate, this game is a must-win for Patriots, to defend their reputation. Again, a can't-miss game, Sunday 8:15pm NBC.

After the spying stuff, I have to break my prediction. Patriots take this one. Chargers and LT will be beat badly.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pats Walk Away Easily

The hottest topic in recent sports - Patriots against NFL rules stealing Jet's defense signal by videotaping.

On Thursday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell fined Patriots head coach Bill Belichick $500,000, Patriots organization $250,000, and took away one of the club's two first-round draft choices.

It is too light, even a Patriots fan like me feel so.

Stealing signals is very common in MLB and NFL. Stealing signal per se is not against the NFL rules, using video taping the signal is. You broke the rule, you got punished.

Patriots better win the game this week against Chargers...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This morning I was googling for anti-Cep55 antibody and found a company named "Abnova" has three of them.

Abnova is a company in Taiwan, claiming they are "the World's Largest Monoclonal Antibody and Recombinant Protein Manufacturer".

I have to admit that it feels exciting when you see a company from your homeland competing with other big-names on the worldwide market. I hope they are doing well. Just think about how wonderful it will be if labs in Taiwan can get their favorite antibodies in days, but not for weeks waiting for the ocean-corssing shipping arrived.

This is what written on their website:
Abnova is the world largest monoclonal antibody manufacturer. We have a capacity of generating 500 mouse monoclonal antibodies per month. Rather than the traditional method of monoclonal antibody production, Abnova is taking a genomic/proteomic approach for the antibody development. Our goal is to have at least one antibody to every human expressed gene in human genome. We manufacture all our products, recombinant proteins and antibodies, in house in our stat-of-art facility in Taiwan. In most cases, we have multiple clones for our monoclonal antibodies, and their access is available to our industrial partners and collaborators from the academic institutions.

Maybe the bio-industries still have their shots in Taiwan, if they find the niche and have the foresight and sagacity.

Then I started to recall that I ever emailed them inquiring another antibody. Never got reply.

I just sent another email asking information about the three anti-Cep55 antibodies. Hope the customer service is improved this time!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Richest (and Poorest) Places in the U.S.



更慘的是,看來 postdoc 也好不到哪裡去,身邊的 postdoc 說她算過扣稅扣完大概也只比我多了幾百塊錢而已。漫漫長路。

The Richest (and Poorest) Places in the U.S.

Maryland knocked New Jersey out of the top spot this year, while Mississippi and West Virginia were the poorest states in the Union.

The typical Maryland household earned $65,144 in 2006, propelling it past New Jersey, which came in second with earnings of $64,470, but had led the nation in 2005. Connecticut finished in third place both years, recording a median income of $63,422 in 2006.

Maryland's income was nearly double that of Mississippi, which, with a median of $34,473, was the nation's poorest state. West Virginia, where the median household earned $35,059, was second poorest and Arkansas, at $36,599, was third.

The median income for the United States as a whole came to $48,451.

Top 10 wealthiest states
Here's where the median household income is highest
State Income

New Jersey
New Hampshire

The 10 poorest states
The states with the lowest median household income
State Income

West Virginia

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Prediction on Patriots

Right before the kickoff game of Pats, here is my prediction for this coming season.

Patriots will be 13-3 this season.
Take homecourt advantage and win AFC title.
Go to Arizona and have champions in superbowl.

Three game Pats lose are:
09/16 vs. SD
11/04 vs. IND
plus one game because of bad luck.

Go Pats!

Saturday, September 8, 2007







下午租了車全家外出兜風,經過 Broad Institute 旁發現一個小公園,凡凡沒來過,看到裡面的車子想玩又不太敢,回頭找人跟他一起玩。




Friday, September 7, 2007

Free Tickets!

Cheering news for the TGIF. For some of you might be interested.

(Possibly to honor the day of my birth,) September 16, 1-5 pm, All seven Harvard University Museums, along with Gund Hall & the Collection of Scientific Instruments, will throw their doors open for FREE!

The exhibitions are pretty good, especially the famous "glass flowers". Don't miss it since the tickets are pricey.

Besides, there will be two football days at Harvard in October. If you happen to be a resident for following areas, you can get a ticket and lunch for FREE to the stadium watching Harvard football.

October 13: Allston or Brighton area.
October 27: Cambridge (which I am! yeah!) Dartmouth is visiting Harvard on this day.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


前陣子看了篇成英姝寫的文章,覺得很不錯;雖然成的經歷顯赫 ─ 第三屆時報百萬小說獎首獎,文建會選為2000年十大文學人;但除了以前大學時看過她的「人類不宜飛行」之外,對她的印象,就只有她幫 SK II 拍的美美的廣告了。

查了一下,發現學校的圖書館收有成英姝的首部小說「公主徹夜未眠」,便借來看看。這書不知為何,被劃為 deposit,得先在網路上預約後由館員領出來才能借到。書本已經被「護貝」過了。


書底是借出的記錄,呃,看來從 1997 年這書出版之後,到現在 2007 年一共十年,加上我也才只被借出了五次,有點意外,1998 就包括了三次,再來 2006 一次,然後就是我了(Feb 10 2008 - 學期結束那天)。不知另外四個人是誰呢?


如果成英姝哪天好奇 google 了一下自己的名字發現這篇文章,知道有五個人在這裡讀過她的小說,不知道她會感到高興呢還是失望多些?


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Craig Venter's Genome

Finally, Craig Venter (aka, the Darth Vader of Genetics) got his genome fully sequenced and published. Both Nature and Science magazines reported it as news once this PLoS Biology article is on-lined.

It had been criticized by Science magazine editor that Craig Ventor's move as a "tacky move" to make himself as one of the five donors in the Human Genome Project.

And, of course, how can we miss this article in which Craig Venter was criticized by another editor -
I'm the human genome, says 'Darth Venter' of genetics
Robin McKie, science editor

Therefore, I am totally not surprised that Craig Venter has his personal genome fully sequenced.

Compared the news report from Science and Nature, the latter seems to hold a more friendly position to describe the news.

Not surprisingly, another famous ass hole will be fully sequenced pretty soon. His name is James D. Watson. Why can't we just spend our money on sequencing a relative NICE/GOOD guy's genome???
Here are more discussions about the news of Craig Venter's Genome
The Seven Stones
CNN Anderson Cooper Blog

The summary of yesterday's Craig Venter Genome article on PLoS Biology:

We have generated an independently assembled diploid human genomic DNA sequence from both chromosomes of a single individual (J. Craig Venter). Our approach, based on whole-genome shotgun sequencing and using enhanced genome assembly strategies and software, generated an assembled genome over half of which is represented in large diploid segments (>200 kilobases), enabling study of the diploid genome. Comparison with previous reference human genome sequences, which were composites comprising multiple humans, revealed that the majority of genomic alterations are the well-studied class of variants based on single nucleotides (SNPs). However, the results also reveal that lesser-studied genomic variants, insertions and deletions, while comprising a minority (22%) of genomic variation events, actually account for almost 74% of variant nucleotides. Inclusion of insertion and deletion genetic variation into our estimates of interchromosomal difference reveals that only 99.5% similarity exists between the two chromosomal copies of an individual and that genetic variation between two individuals is as much as five times higher than previously estimated. The existence of a well-characterized diploid human genome sequence provides a starting point for future individual genome comparisons and enables the emerging era of individualized genomic information.


最近朋友舉家遷往西岸 UC Riverside,送了我們一張單人沙發,放在房間裡面,當做給凡凡說故事用的地方。凡凡也曉得了,現在只要一想聽故事,挑了故事書,就小手拉大手地把大人拉到房間裡沙發上坐好,自己再坐在膝上,準備一起翻書,聽故事。

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Cast of The Red Sox - Yankees Movie

The great labor day long weekend just ended. In this blue Tuesday, the first working day after the long weekend, let's have something fun to cheer us up for our tedious "researching work"!

It has been well known the tense rivalry between Red Sox and Yankees. Yankees just swept Red Sox in the 3-game series in Bronx. And then Conan showed this funny clip.

I have to admit that I was a little bit disappointed Yankees won all three games in that series. It doesn't matter now, there are lots of wonderfulness happened on Red Sox since then, and Yankees have been terrible all the way after that series.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Good No-No !

I showed you before that Fan Fan doesn't like to hear "No-No" since he knows it is bad.

However, "No-No" can also be good. The Red Sox rookie pitcher just showed us one on Satuday night. Few hours before the game, Clay Buchholz was called-up to pitch because the original starting pitcher Wakefield felt hurts on his back. With no time to prepare himself, this is just his second game in major league.

However, this wonder boy threw a no-run, no-hitter game, aka, no-no game, in Fenway Park. The whole park went crazy that night.

Since 1900, Buchholz has been just the second pitcher who has a no-no game in first two performances. I am feeling another world champions now!

Clay Buchholz threw a no-hitter in his second major league start, just hours after being called up by the Boston Red Sox.

The piece that espn did on sportscenter for Clay Buchholz's no hitter for the Boston Red Sox on September 1st 2007 against the Baltimore Orioles. This was a historic moment in the history of baseball and the Red Sox.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Mega Bloks

之前看見凡凡開始會堆積木,這週末便去買了 megablok 這種大型積木回來給凡凡,凡凡果然很感興趣,不過現在還停留在兩三塊積目組合再拆開的階段,沒辦法拼湊些複雜新奇的城堡或機器人出來。

臨走的時候,凡凡不知從哪裡自己抓了個玩具在手上不肯放,看了一下原來是個簡易的 projector,就是可以在牆上投射出圖案的那種小玩具,還附上 A-Z 字母的圖案,scan 了條碼發現竟然只要一塊美金,真是太便宜了,可以算是 our's best buy of the week.

這是在黑暗中投影在牆上的圖片,K 的 King。有點不清楚,但大概可以瞭解是甚麼情況。