Monday, December 31, 2007

Farewell 2007

It's the end of a year, again.

Weird, the days seem to pass by faster year after year, especially after you passed the G3. You feel you want to do something, but somehow also feel you don't have the luxury of time for it.

Recently I am in a stage thinking about my second project. It's hard since now you have to think about the time constraint. Maybe the 4th year is like an early checking point of the graduate career. If not successful at this timepoint, maybe everything is going to be harder in the future?

In 2007, I learned a lot, especially in sciences, some in good ways, some not. I am fortunate having two anchors now, family and science. Having a kid, changed everything.

Feel still a long road ahead. Hope at the same day next year, I can make more things happen.

Happy New Year, everyone!

(and go Patriots!!!)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Perfect Patriots

The highlight of the Patriots-Giants game

It was a nice game. Now the Patriots have a perfect regular season with 16 and 0. The only thing left is to push the record further to 19 and 0 and have a perfect season. Then this Patriots will be no doubt the best team EVER in NFL history.

Review of the Perfect Patriots from Game 1 to Game 16

See how good is the Brady-Moss combination.

Patriots traded Moss from Raiders with a 4th-round draft. That is almost a crime for getting Moss by that kind of price.

Moss agreed to tear up his old contract ($21 millions for next two years) and signed a new 1-year contract with Patriots for $5 million. In the same time, Tom Brady also agreed to reconstruct his contract to get salary space for Randy Moss.

This Patriots have the records on most points in regular season, most touchdowns in regular season, and most regular season winning streak (19 now and still going), with a QB has most single season touchdowns and a WR with most receiving touchdowns in NFL regular season history.

Go Patriots!

Saturday, December 29, 2007



Friday, December 28, 2007

The Historical Game

Tom Brady


Patriots are 15-0 now, and they are going to play Giants at New York tomorrow. This game, will be a historical game, and lots of records might be broken in this single game.

Tom Brady is two TDs away for breaking the record made by Peyton Manning at 2004; Randy Moss is two Receiving TDs shy from breaking the NFL record; Patriots need 6 more points to make a new regular season point record; and the most important of all, the patriots are going to be the first team finish 16-0 in regular season, yeah, a PERFECT season.

The game is on Saturday night 8pm, originally scheduled to be played only on NFL network, which is a pay-channel that only 40% of the people in the US can watch it. However, since this game could be a historical game, the Congress put pressure on NFL, urging them to put this game on free TV.

NFL made a announcement yesterday that this game will be simultaneously nationwide broadcasted by NBC, CBS, and NFL. If you are living in New England or New York area, ABC local stations will also broadcast this game.

Now you see how huge the deal is. ABC, NBC, CBS, NFL will actually broadcast the same game at the same time. It sets a record already.

Don't miss this chance, if you are not a football fan. At least, in the future, you can tell your child or grandchild:

"Oh yeah... I watched THAT GAME!"

Let's Go Pats! Let's Go Brady! Let's Go Moss!


I read the newspaper yesterday (the Walls Street or The Washington Post, I forgot). It said this Dove commercial is the most successful AD of 2007.

Evolution, it was planned to be released on Youtube.

Since it's hot, there were many parodies.

Due to the success of the Evolution, Dove had a follow-up "Onslaught".

Actually I like the Onslaught better, especially the message "Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does".

Thursday, December 27, 2007



Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cell ! II

過了一天,凡凡發現 Cell 這本 journal 更有趣的地方。拿來當玩具玩。

Monday, December 24, 2007

Cell !

前陣子在 Cell 的網頁上看到免費訂閱 Cell 的機會,想說反正沒甚麼損失也就登記了;沒想到還真的被選中寄了免費的 Cell 到家裡。


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Charlie Brown Christmas

Recently the most blogged clip in Youtube.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Science Center 裡有個讓人坐著吃東西的開放中庭,地上還積有不少白白乾淨的雪,凡凡一開始進去還不太敢踩在雪上,明明已經走了幾步了,發現原來旁邊有條小路沒有積雪,馬上就掉頭改道。




週末地上的雪還沒融去,加上冷風,不太適合戶外活動,便將凡凡帶到 Science Center 裡玩,凡凡在送暖氣的上頭跑來跑去,用著各種走路方法,還不時來個超近距離特寫。

用 Science Center 裡的公用 Mac 讓凡凡看 Blog 裡的照片和影片。

Friday, December 21, 2007

How to Solve Problems

OK, here is another one. This is a very popular one actually. Try google image with "prlblem solving flow chart" as keywords, you will find tons of it.

We had this flowchart on the door of our lab's microscope room, but somehow it was gone. Today I found it reappears on the board in our "departmental" microscope room.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Board in Neighbor Lab

How to be a scientist? This is a board hanging on the wall in Lahav's lab, our neighbor.

Are you a scientist?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


這陣子天冷又下雪,不好再騎腳踏車去實驗室,只好改搭 shuttle。為了排遣等車還有車上的空檔,一開始是打算奮發一點,在車上唸 paper,後來發現實在折磨,字小車晃唸得頭昏不說,內容讀進去還得消化一番,太累了,便從燕京借了些中文小說,剛好。






我剛來的那年同學會還是叫「中華民國同學會」,學校有很多學院設有一年的 master program,為廣大「慕名而來」的學子服務,這些一年學程的學生又特愛參加同學會,真正長期待在這兒的人反而少參加。像我和俊仁就從來沒有參加過(其實我是心疼要交的會費)。也因為這樣,每年要找人當會長總是件麻煩事。


接下這個台灣同學會的深藍會長心裡自然不舒服,找個理由認為表決過程有問題所以無效,還是叫中華民國同學會,引起大嘩,吵鬧之餘墨綠會長找來最愛台灣的本土自由時報把這事給報了出來,就人盡皆知了。最後深藍會長辭職,同學會還是叫台灣同學會;然後深藍會長自己又「復創」了中華民國同學會「延續正統」,我們學校就變成一中一台了。以台灣只有藍綠的眼光套上來,剛好就是絕佳題材,一直到現在 bbs 上一些政治狂熱份子還動不動就有人喜歡把這事拿出來講。




Sunday, December 16, 2007




躲貓貓 2


Saturday, December 15, 2007

















禮拜四才剛來了個 storm,戶外路上積滿了成堆的雪。天氣預報說明天週日還會有一個 storm,想說趁著風爆之前趕緊帶凡凡出門玩玩雪。







Friday, December 14, 2007


We had a HUGH storm yesterday.

This morning, I came to the lab at 9, half hour before my DAC. Tim was there already. I checked my email, two committee said they cannot make it. Jeff had to stay with his two kids due to a 2 hour delayed start of school this morning; and Andrew was in Detriot airport because the snow kept all flight to Boston from happening.

I: Shall I reschedule my DAC?

Tim: You know, even there is only me, we still should have it. Let me call Tom, ask if he wanna come this morning.

(5 minutes later)

Tim: Tom said he glad to come. He will be here in ten minutes.

(20 minutes later, Tom arrived)

I: Hi Tom, thank you for coming!

Tom: I love to! So you are the one. (shaking hands)

Tim: Okay, let's start.

Tom: Is this your first DAC?

I: This is my second.

Tom: Oh! this is your second DAC. Was I here in your first DAC?

Tim: Yes, you were here.

Tom: I was?

Tim: You were.

I: ......

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Busy Week

I have my DAC meeting on Friday. The goal is to help evaluate my potential future directions after the first paper. I tried to sqeeze more data for it these days.

Aaron past his doctoral defense yesterday. It is like the the typical student's thesis in our lab, as my current school, very acentric, and lack of a storyline between different subprojects. The reason for this is Tim let us do whether we wanna do, and usually one interesting result pop-out, you jump to it, discard the relevance to previous stories.

Yesterday, I found I might get a little cold , but still finished the "Spider man 3" with family since James strongly recommend it. Uh, it is really not good, kind of like waste of time even it is free. However, FanFan loved it. We had the "Transformers" in hands right now. I bet FanFan will love it more.

Now I sit in the Widener Library and work on my DAC slides, with my running nose. I wrote this simply because I need a break and escape from it for a while.

Okay, back to work!

Saturday, December 8, 2007




Friday, December 7, 2007

TGIF Poster

One interestng part of TGIF is its posters. Today's poster is a good one (at least I feel so...)

P.S. I still can't understand why people don't get bored when the same cartoons played on TV years after years during Chritmas?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Late Abstract

Uh... I am not saying this because my poster was in the late abstract section. Somehow I feel the (average) poster quality in the late abstract is surprising better than the early ones. I talked to several guys and they all felt the same way.

Is that common for late abstracts?

I don't know what the reasons are for others who have posters in late abstract. I forgot the abstract submission due, therefore could only send it as late abstract.

Although it seemed some big names were gone then, I still got tons of visiters. Actually too many that I can't even take a look at other posters (including the one besides which did similar things as mine).

I rarely saw a poster blows me away during this ASCB, and most of the good ones were (near)published. The late abstract section had the most posters I am interested, but I didn't really have a chance to see it. Really a shame.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007



下午 poster section 結束時,也帶凡凡去開了開眼界,自然又是一陣狂跑。

另外自從去了 Museum of Air and Craft 買了架太空梭後,Thomas & Friends 小火車便失寵了,之後凡凡不管去哪兒,手上帶著的都是太空梭,再也不拿小火車跟他一起走了。

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A New Way to Use the iTune

I found this article is funny, which teaches you how to use the iTune in your computer to organize tons of papers for your research.

Organizing PDF papers in your computer using iTunes

Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Free for Kids

我們住的 Holliday Inn 在 Capital Hill 旁,每晚只要 97 塊美金,而且最棒的事小朋友在裡面的餐廳吃東西全部免費,所以我們自然不會忘了帶凡凡去享用一番。


Museum of Air and Craft

吃完午飯後帶凡凡去逛最有名的 Museum of Air and Craft,在去的路上,大概搖啊搖太舒服,凡凡便睡著了,等到進去了博物館裡還是睡得很熟。拍了幾張照片,跟後面的太空火箭合照一下。



吃一直都是我們在 DC 最大的問題,大人還好打發,但要讓凡凡吃飽就比較麻煩了。頭兩天都是我從 Chinatown 包餐回來吃,今天翹了會議跑出來,循著地圖上的廣告找到了家華人的自助餐,吃到飽的那種,很不賴,中餐 $7.5, 晚餐 $9.5,這是含稅過的價錢,因為自己拿菜,所以也不用給小費,算得上十分經濟划算。菜色也很多,煮得也算好吃。店名叫華美自助餐,在 14th st. 上 Thomas circle 附近,離幾年前 AACR 會議時住的 Washington Plaza 十分近,很意外當時竟沒有發現這家店,還得跑個老遠買 subway 吃。



題外話,Tim 很喜歡吃中國菜,每次有機會聚餐往往都提議上中菜館子。這次在 DC 也不意外,第一天晚上便拉著一伙同來開會的朋友上館子吃中菜,還很高興地說他找到一家只要 $3.5 的中菜館。不過據 Peter Soger 事後的回顧,整個會議下來也就只有這麼一次,當晚所有一起吃飯的人回飯店後都拉了肚子。




出發前的天氣預報說 Boston 這幾天會有大風雪,心喜運氣真不錯,想說剛好在 DC 可以躲過這場大風雪,結果雪是躲過了,風還是逃不掉。禮拜一 DC 的風超強的,最強可以接近 40 MPH,像颳颱風那樣吹到人都佔不穩。

我們住在 Capital Hill 旁,計劃早上先延著 the Mall 走,吃完午飯後再逛博物館。走到白宮,國會山莊,跟林肯紀念堂交會的 Washington Monument,想說幫凡凡拍些照片,結果或許因為地勢較高,風更是強到不行,連擺個姿勢都沒有辦法。

Sunday, December 2, 2007




Saturday, December 1, 2007

Trip to D.C.

今天開始一連五天的 ASCB,會議地點在 D.C.,想說既然自己的飯店跟機票都有人出了,凡凡不到兩歲不用機票,全家同行只要再多買一張機票就行了,十分划算。

這次凡凡第二次到 Logan Airport,只是第一次的時候凡凡還沒滿一歲,大概也記不得了。


這次會議雖說機票旅館都不是花自己的錢,不過還是該儘量幫老闆省錢。所以我們住在 Capital Hill 旁的 Hyatt Hotel ......... 的對面的 Holliday Inn,雖然不是四星級大飯店,但其實該有的一樣也不缺,住起來也很舒服,免費的 internet,還有 cable 可以讓我看 Monday Night Football。算是很滿意。

坐飛機一路順利,凡凡又再次得到了空服員的讚美說是個表現良好的乖小孩。真正的麻煩在於晚上時,凡凡決定出來玩這麼久,該是時間回家睡覺了,一直拉著自己的 stroller 要出門。睡覺時也不是很安穩,不時爬起來左顧右盼一番,久久不能入睡。


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Let's Talk about Some Downsides

Tim is a nice guy, but has some unique thought, which makes him sometimes not an ideal boss of a lab.

This is what happened today. One labmate submitted his manuscript to Science and got the feedback yesterday. In brief the editor suggested sending it to somewhere else since there is no physiological relevance. My labmate printed it out and gave it to Tim.

"well, it is a fair review, and there is a point", Tim said, after read it.

My labmate feels very frustrated and becomes supercynical today. Tim, as a boss, should stand on his side. He was told several times such thing happens actually on everyone in the lab, but once it happened on himself, it's still hurt. Therefore, people in the lab gathered together, to give him a group therapy.

I am not saying Tim is a bad person. It is just Tim being Tim. Maybe that is what he had been through in Marc Kirschner's lab. David Drubin in Berkeley ever said Marc's lab is extremely disorganized. It is a shame that people in that lab could have performed even better if things go to the other way. Tim always thinks if you are good, you can figure everything out by yourself. Unfortunately, it turns out to be not everyone is as brilliant as Tim is.

Well, it seems I better get myself well prepared, since I shall be the next one to be hit.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Football Fan Fan !

到了公園自然不會錯過例行的 football 訓練課程,目前進度是持球的跑動!








禮拜天下午幫凡凡長了許久的頭髮修剪一番,變成了清爽的髮型。之後便帶著凡凡去學校旁的 Cambridge common 玩。

凡凡還不忘從家裡帶著他目前的最愛「Thomas 小火車」一起來公園玩。短短一個禮拜,已經是滿地落葉,看來冬天是真的來了。


公園裡有目前最愛的超大「Thomas 小火車」,凡凡自然把從家裡帶來的大「Thomas 小火車」給丟在一旁,換拿這個超大的小火車。


Saturday, November 24, 2007



Friday, November 23, 2007

公共電視 飆紀錄LIVE夜



公共電視 飆紀錄LIVE夜 週一到週五 10-11 pm 播放得獎的紀錄片。


11/5〈一〉 產房
11/6〈二〉 我會演布袋戲
11/7〈三〉 春天-許金玉的故事
11/8〈四〉 無米樂 上集
11/9〈五〉 無米樂 下集
11/12〈一〉 梁任宏
11/14〈三〉 炸神明
11/15〈四〉 跳舞時代 上
11/16〈五〉 跳舞時代 下
11/19〈一〉 台北京之比賽
11/20〈二〉 袁廣鳴
11/21〈三〉 我愛小魔頭
11/22〈四〉 海有多深
11/23〈五〉 ET月球學園
11/26〈一〉 綠的海平線
11/27〈二〉 徐瑞憲
11/28〈三〉 紐西蘭尋羊記
11/29〈四〉 請問貴姓
11/30〈五〉 觀點短片


現在中文用的機會少了,加上小時候不用功,像上一篇寫凡凡撞桌子那篇裡頭有個「忖」字,會認但不知該怎麼唸,所以也沒辦法用注音打出來。剛好這時讀到了篇遇上類似難題的文章,裡面提到了「行政院主計處電子處理資料中心建置『CNS11643中文標準交換碼全字庫』(簡稱全字庫)網站」,剛好可以用來解決我這樣的問題。 其實還真的是個蠻好用的工具。

