Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Football !

The baseball season is officially over. Red Sox won the World Champions, again. Now it is the perfect timing for being a football fan, especially if you live in New England.

This season's Patriots is very likely the best and most dominant team in NFL history, even better than the "19-0 Dolphins" 35 years ago. Tom Brady, Patrioits' quarterback, is having the stat which you thought can only happen in NFL video games.

Sometimes people complain the rules in American football are too complicate. Actually it's not quite true. To make it simple, there are only 3 things you need to know -

1. Push the ball to the other team's baseline. You score.
2. You have 4 chances/downs to push the ball for at least 10 yards.
3. Each down, the ball can only be passed forward once.

All three are easy to understand, but the last one is not as known as the first two. Here is a great example showing how it works. This just happened several days ago. Trinity University did 15 lateral passes to get a touchdown and win the game from behind. Amazing!

10/27/2007 Trinity University 28 - Millsaps 24 End Zone Angle

End Zone angle of the final play of Trinity vs. Millsaps Football. Down 24-16, the Tigers were left with two seconds and 60 yards to go for a score. 15 laterals and 62 seconds later, Trinity crossed the goal line to win the game and take the upper hand in the conference standings.

Monday, October 29, 2007






似乎對 PTT 上的圖案很有興趣。

還會說 Okay !

Sunday, October 28, 2007



紅色的小腳踏車停在 bike room 裡面,凡凡似乎也知道那是他的車,每次如果帶著他到地下室洗衣服,總是不忘指著 bike rooom 的門,想看看摸摸他的紅色小車;進去後看到了,摸一摸,就會心滿意足地離開了。



下午帶去 Charles River 旁的公園,想趁冬天來之前抓住秋天的尾巴多讓凡凡在戶外跑跑。

這次帶了顆小美式足球,凡凡還太小,不太會傳接球,沒法玩 QB 跟 WR,只好先從 RB 開始玩起了!

River Dance

因為紅襪王牌 closer Papelbon 的緣故,大河之舞最近很紅。

禮拜天凡凡剛睡醒,本想轉卡通給他看,後來發現原來週日早上沒有卡通。PBS 播的是 Irish music program。半睡半醒凡凡也就將就著倒在沙發上看。


Saturday, October 27, 2007


凡凡有很多玩偶,慢慢地凡凡開始特別喜歡其中的幾個,這隻小猴子就是一個,另外一個是 Elmo;凡凡有時會像抱小嬰兒一樣把小猴子或 Elmo 抱起來拍拍。喝水或吃東西也都不會忘了要給這些好朋友嘗一嘗。


Thursday, October 25, 2007


Our beloved Red Sox is playing the World Sereis right now. As in 2004, the little "Boston Red Sox" flag is once again flying on the roof of medical school!

Poster for Kendra

Kendra is having her defense tomorrow. As usual, Kuah made a poster for Kendra and posted it everywhere in our building.

We made a HUGE one on the glass between Aaron's and my seats (the right one). To let the whole Boston city knows Kendra is going to get her degree, the poster is facing outward.

You can actually see it on the ground outsides the building!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kendra's Practice Talk

Kendra is going to defend her dissertation this Friday, and has her first practice talk today.

As a physics, Kendra focusing on modeling one simple question which is difficult to be answered - How do mitotic spindle senses, regulates, or determines its length, since cells have its spindle in constat lenght.

Kendra has two advisors, Tim as biologist and Dan Fisher as Physicist (who moved to Stanford this year). The way Kendra tackle this question is generating a possible models and using experiments to verify or modify it. Kendra's work was transformed into two papers in high profile journals.

* Slide-and-Cluster Models for Spindle Assembly. Curr Biol.;17(16):1373-83

* A new method reveals microtubule minus ends throughout the meiotic spindle. J Cell Biol. 2006;175(3):369-75

I envy the ability Kendra has in physics and mathematics. But the way physicists doing biology also raises my concerns. It can always back to the question number 1 "how far can you go to simplify your models?"

The modeling work has to be built on several assumptions which is usually the weakest link in the study. Most of the time these assumptions are non-realistic or can only happen in extreme conditions. The model works and fits perfectly to the phenotypes; the only problem is it just won't happen in real world.

Maybe that is just a beginning, but as you can tell, modeling biology still has a long way ahead.

I mentioned earlier that three postdoc candidates are visiting us, a biologist, a physicist, and a chemists. The third, Liam Holt from Morgan's lab at UCSF, is coming this Thursday.

Free lunch!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Infamous Cubs Fan 2003

前面有提到 2003 年 Cubs 被逆轉的事,下面是該球迷的悲慘糟遇。

A Chicago Cubs fan, Bartman reached for and tried to catch a ball that might have been caught by outfielder Moises Alou. Some speculate this interference cost the Cubs a chance at the World Series.

From Wikipedia about Steve Bartman
At the time of the incident, Mark Prior was pitching a three-hit shutout for the Chicago Cubs in the eighth inning. Luis Castillo was batting, with one out and Juan Pierre standing on second base. The Chicago Cubs were leading 3-0, led the series three games to two, and were five outs away from reaching the World Series for the first time since 1945 and attempting to win it for the first time since 1908. Coincidentally, Game 6 was played on the 95th anniversary of the clinching game of the Cubs' last championship.

Bartman was sitting in a box seat (aisle 4, row 8, seat 113) in the front row along the left field corner wall behind the bullpen when a pop foul off the bat of Castillo drifted toward his seat. Cubs left fielder Moises Alou ran over to attempt a catch, but Bartman, who was watching the ball and not the fielder, got to the ball first. Alou slammed his glove down in frustration and was seen shouting in Bartman's direction, and the Cubs argued for an interference call. Video replays showed that Alou may have had an opportunity to make the catch if Bartman had not reached out for the ball but there's no possible way of knowing this for sure. Umpire Mike Everitt's call of no fan interference was correct; it appears that the ball was entering the stands when the incident occurred. The rules of baseball specify that fan interference cannot be called on a ball hit into the stands, only when a spectator reaches into the field of play and interferes.
之後 Prior 就像烙塞一樣,馬林魚大難不死,逆轉了第六場,又贏了第七場。小熊九十幾年來想打世界大賽的希望又一次破滅了。

下面是 Steve Bartman 該場比賽被護送出場的畫面。之後他在 Chicago 地區實在待不下去,就消失不見了。

Great to Be a Pro-Fan in Boston This Week!

Yes, I should have more faith in Red Sox. They won three games in a row to take this series and advance to the 2007 World Series.

棒球總是充滿著有趣的數據,下面是印弟安人的老將 Lofton 的悲情歷史,或說是 curse?
Kenny Lofton

1995 Indians --> 在 WS 輸了(唯一一隊投出 one-hitter 還輸的隊伍)
1996 Indians 在 ALDS 又輸了(有兩場輸在第八局和第九局)
1997 Braves 改加盟 95 年的死對頭應該保險吧, NLCS 輸給馬林魚
1998 Indians Indians 把他弄回來, ALCS 2-1領先後,三連敗給洋基
1999 Indians Indians 不信, ALDS 2-0領先後,三連敗給紅襪
2001 Indians 再試一年, 結果 ALDS 2-1 領先水手後再二連敗
2002 Giants WS 3-2 聽牌,第六戰七局 5-0 領先,二連敗輸給天使
2003 Cubs NLCS 眼看要拿下來了, 結果球迷耍寶 3-1 領先後三連敗
2004 Yankees ALCS 三連勝 3-0, 這下穩了吧? 結果成為逆轉經典!
2006 Dodgers 道奇在NLDS被 Mets 橫掃
2007 Indians 帶著 3-1 的優勢,寫下另一頁嶄新的傳奇

* 2003 年小熊很奇妙地被一位 Cubs 球迷搞砸了,馬林魚晉級後又擊敗洋基拿下世界大賽冠軍。Beckett 世界大賽 MVP,2005 年大拍賣被交易到紅襪。

* 2004 年就是洋基戲劇性地崩盤被紅襪連贏四場逆轉晉級的經典系列賽。

* 2007 年又遇到紅襪又被逆轉。總共 Lofton 待過在季後賽差一勝就晉級卻被逆轉的年份有 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007。這怎麼說?命嗎?


Beckett 拿下 MVP 可以說是實至名歸,實在太強了,在 game 5 印弟安人的客場的氣圍下還能完全壓制對手,說是全 MLB 2007 年最好的投手應該不為過。天生的大賽型投手,越重要比賽表現越好。

Becekett 生涯季後賽紀錄,ERA 1.78,5W-2L,五場勝投中完投三場,兩場敗投裡面一場失一分,另一場失兩分 (這樣都會輸,難怪會完投這麼多場了)。

另外,當然也不能不提這禮拜 Pats 的表現,對 Miami Fins 49:28 (上半場打完就 35:7),Brady 傳出六次 Touch Down,QB Rate 滿分 158.3!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Say My Name !


後來瞧見了自己戴墨鏡的相片(就是 blog 右邊的那張),轉頭看我,手一直指,要我說「凡凡」出來。後來見我一直不出聲,又開始要拗了。









Thursday, October 18, 2007

Edged to the Elimination

因為實驗室在 Boston Longwood,心裡想了好多次應該多花點時間利用一下 Cambridge main campus 的資源,不要白白浪費了來這邊的機會結果把時間都耗在醫學院區裡。最近這陣子,像是週末或是今天這種剛好沒排實驗的日子,便喜歡留在 Cambridge 窩在 Lamont Library 裡看書或想事情。


回到主題,圖書館裡總是有不少人,有趣的是每每到了晚上七八點,本來滿滿的空間就瞬間淨空了,不是去吃晚飯,因為這事只會發生在有 Red Sox 比賽的日子,都跑去看球賽去了。據凡凡媽媽說超市大概也是差不多的情況,本來禮拜天下午該是人潮最多的時候,只要接近四點半 Patriots 的比賽時間,馬上超市裡就剩不到幾個人。

結果現在 ALCS 四場打完,紅襪 1:3 落後,接下來的三場必須全勝才可以晉級 World Series。MLB 歷史上,36 支面對這樣處境的對伍,有 10 支完成了逆轉晉級,最後一次就是 2004 年的紅襪。

當時紅襪其實是 0:3 後連贏四場,完成 MLB 史上從來沒有隊伍能夠辦到的事。說來奇怪,2004 年的時候我住在 Fenway Park 旁邊,親身體驗了這一切。雖然當時史上 0:3 逆轉成功的機率是 0,那時候我還是有種預感會連贏四場逆轉晉級。最後果然成真。今年遇到的情況逆轉勝出的機率是 10/36,應該比 2004 好很多,但我就是有預感會被淘汰,希望這次我的預感失準。


已經準備開始調整心態把重心移往 Patriots 。其實,瘋運動日子還是蠻幸福的,至少比台灣瘋政治好。

Sunday, October 14, 2007


凡凡對家裡這台小小的 pocket digital camera 總是很感興趣,常玩的結果大概也搞懂怎麼操作了。










仰頭 45 度角

凡凡看了 Sesame street "Let's Sing Together" 裡最後一段怪獸們一起跳舞的片段後就學起來了。只要聽到音樂就會開始仰頭甩頭。

這次聽到凡凡媽媽哼了幾句又開始抬頭了,只是抬太多太久讓人聯想到前陣子也有個人因為總是仰頭 45 度角而很出風頭。

不過還是一樣,一樣是仰頭 45 度角,凡凡可愛多了。

Little Larry King


穿起吊帶好像 Larry King 一樣。台灣也有人很愛麼模仿 Larry King,那人就是也是主持談話節目的李濤;不過凡凡穿起來可愛多了。







這次柯羅莎應該是沒有經過高雄吧?這樣也能比乾脆去跟綠島比好了。反正我是高雄人也不怕被講甚麼台北觀點,SARS 如果爆發在高雄大概情況只會更嚴重;市港合一對高雄市的幫助比較大,說穿了就是錢分得比較多,高雄港的競爭力下滑跟這沒甚麼大關係,再者你謝長廷當市長力推港市合一,你謝長廷後來當行政院長時怎就不力推了?最好都是國民黨一直杯葛的關係。



前幾天跟實驗室裡來自 LA 的 Aaron 聊美國的總統大選,Aaron 就跟大多數學校裡的學生一樣傾向民主黨,支持 Obama,不過 Aaron 說不管是希拉蕊還是歐巴瑪出來選,都選不過共和黨的總統候選人,因為美國人還沒準備好給女人或黑人當總統。


Aaron 說反正現在共和黨初選產生的候選人只要極力跟布希劃清界線就可以了,「討厭布希,不要討厭共和黨」。然後選民就會乖乖地投給具有傳統基督教價值的共和黨。


Friday, October 12, 2007

Jordan's Furniture's Bad Day?

這個禮拜又是 great sport weekend。

這週日下午四點半 Patriots 在 Dallas 挑戰 Cowboys,兩支 5-0 的隊伍只有一隻會繼續保持不敗的紀錄。

另外,Red Sox-Indians ALCS 今天開打,記得之前有提過一間麻州本地的 furniture chains - Jordan's Furniture 在三月猛打廣告,如果今年紅襪拿下世界冠軍,三月七號到四月十六期間跟他買的所有家俱都可以獲得全額退費,換句話說就是免費送你了。

紅襪現在距離世界冠軍只差八勝,所以 Jordan Furniture 這事又被新聞拿出來報,共有 30,000 人在這期間買了 Jordan's Furniture 的家俱,連報新聞的男主播自己也承認他也衝著這個去買了沙發,看來是個很成功的促銷點子。在家裡我還不時被念到怎那時不也去買些家俱?

Jordan's Furniture 為了這活動跟保險公司投了保,所以如果紅襪真拿了冠軍,所有損失保險公司會承擔;這樣算來應該是 Jordan's Furniture 用促銷衝高業績與利潤,然後拿這跟保險公司對賭紅襪會不會拿下冠軍?怎麼算應該都合算。

不過就算 Jordan's Furniture 真的因此大賠也沒甚麼關係,她背後的老闆名字叫作 Berkshire Hathaway,中文翻做波克夏;如果還是不懂,Berkshire Hathaway 的老闆名字叫做 Warren Buffett,就是人稱股神的巴菲特。有得是錢。

Berkshire Hathaway 有多有錢?波克夏共有兩支股票 BRK.A 和 .B, 因為 BRK.A 股價太高怕不是每個人都能夠買得起,所以才又成立了一支面額較小的 BRK.B。那 BRK.A 到底股價有多大呢,今天的收盤價是一股 $127,100.00,很多人一年的薪水都還買不起一「股」。BRK.B 比較好點,今天的收盤價每股「只有」$4,233.90 而已。 說實話,如果真有夠多的閒錢,拿去買這個是蠻好的投資,基本上是風險低又穩定獲利。


Go Pats! Go Sox!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

HMS Mother Wins Extra Test Time

I saw this article this morning and put it in the A-log.

The highest court in Massachusetts handed a Harvard medical student victory late Tuesday in her battle for extra break time to pump breast milk during a medial certification exam.

The state Supreme Judicial Court’s decision came the night before Sophie C. Currier, an MD-PhD student at Harvard Medical School, began taking the test and ensured she would receive one hour of additional break time per day on top of the 45 minutes students typically have for the entire exam.

Currier cannot graduate from the Medical School or begin her scheduled residency until she passes the eight-hour licensing exam.

The case has gone through seven appeals since Currier first filed suit Sept. 6 against the National Board of Medial Examiners (NBME), which sets the rules for the exam.

I am very happy seeing she won this famous case. Just like what written in the article -

While the court order applies only to Currier, NBME spokesman Ken Cotton said that the organization would study their policy on time allowance for breast-feeding in light of the ruling and that the committee that sets testing rules “will make addressing the issue on break time a priority.”

It is just a beginning.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tim's Group Meeting

By schedule, we have no group meeting this week because Tim would be out of town. But somehow Tim postponed his trip and decided to have a meeting as a volunteer to present his ideas about how what we are doing fits into a bigger picture.

There are several main directions in our lab - microtubule, actin, cytokinesis, mitochondria, and Tim's new favorite, cancer studies. Tim admitted he is the kind of person who enthuses about something for a while and then jumpping to another a another while, and finally back to the original one like a circle. He apologized for that.

Most of the work Tim mentioned are done by former postdocs in our lab. Leaving postdocs in our lab are always allowed to bring their own projects with them. And we won't to anything in conflicts.

Tim joked Paul and Bill are special. Usually a leaving postdoc is dying to hear his boss says "I am not going to touch your project anymore"; Paul and Bill both ask Tim to do more experiments on their own projects in the future. Tim feels it is funny and Bill says it is to increase the scientific mass of the project!

It is really a special experience being in this lab. Just like what Chris had said during her defense - this place, it a very unique place for doing research. She didn't mean the school, bur rather this department, or more specificly, this lab.

We have three new postdoc candidates visiting in the near future. The first one, Ethan Garner from Mullins Lab at UCSF is coming next Tuesday. The other twos are a physicist, and a biochemist.

And of course, free meals again for having lunches with those candidates!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

MNF Dallas Cowboys at Buffalo Bills

我看過最扯的一場 comeback 比賽。

Cowboys QB Romo 被 intercept 五次還能贏球也算是少見了。Bills 該贏的球打到輸掉,24 分裡面防守組和特別組就拿了 21 分,進攻組竟然只有 3 分。打到最後被 Cowboys 奇蹟似地逆轉勝。

這樣也好,五勝零敗的 Cowboys 這個禮拜就會對上同樣也是五勝零敗的 Patriots,只有一隊能繼續保持全勝的紀錄,而那將會是 New England Patriot。

Friday, October 5, 2007


凡凡愛吃雪糕。有時候吃完飯如果凡凡想吃,我們就會讓他吃。心情好的時候吃掉半支 Dove 巧克力雪糕沒有問題。


凡凡在看的電影是 Fantasic 4,看得很認真,應該是因為裡面有 Jassica Alba 的關係!




後來想想總算發現哪裡不對勁了,原來是電視沒有開,凡凡吃飯是一定要配著 Elmo 或是卡通一起吃的,有時想看一下 Pats 或 Red Sox 的比賽都不行,一定要看 Elmo。

Pink Lady

之前提到今年採蘋果時多了一種叫 Pink Lady 的新品種,凡凡很愛吃。本來我們把所有採的 Pink Lady 蘋果都留給凡凡吃,後來好心的凡凡分我吃了一口,現在 Pink Lady 已經取代了 Golden Delicious,變成我最喜歡吃的蘋果了。

不同於 Delicious, Fuji, Gala, Macoun 這些蘋果很容易在超市買到,我們似乎沒看過超市有賣 Pink Lady 的,至少家附近的 Star/Shaw markets, Market Basket, Stop & Shop 確定都沒有;據說 whole food 可能有,改天再去看一看。

查了一下資料,原來 Pink Lady 的販賣還真的經過嚴格控管,只有合乎一定標準的 Pink Lady 才能冠上 Pink Lady 的名字販賣,其它不及格的就叫做 Cripps Pink。

去年在同一個果園還沒見到這些 Pink Lady apple trees,應該是今年新栽的,不曉得還有哪些果園也有 Pink Lady?

資料說有 65% 的 Pink Lady 蘋果因為沒達到標準只能夠叫作 Cripps Pink,我們採了這麼多顆應該總有一些可以夠資格吧。


Check the following information if you like to know more about Pink Lady

Pink Lady apple
Perhaps more than any other modern apple, Pink Lady epitomises the trend towards agressive product marketing and branding. Pink Lady was one of the first apple varieties to be marketed as a "club". The variety is grown under a strictly controlled licence, and then marketed through a limited number of resellers to the supermarkets. This tight control is intended to keep quality and prices high, and it is portrayed as a premium product.

You may have sometimes seen another variety called Cripps Pink in the shops and noticed the similarity ... it is actually the same variety. In order to preserve the premium appeal of Pink Lady, about 65% of the production which does not meet the standards required for Pink Lady is sold as Cripps Pink instead. The distinction is primarily made on colour intensity and the sugar/acid balance. Whilst this might at first appear to be a cynical marketing ploy, it arguably benefits consumers because it means that the variability of quality of Pink Lady is less than you might find in other varieties.

The marketing effort has particularly targeted young women, and has resulted in Pink Lady apples being promoted in such unlikely settings as the Glastonbury music festival, as well as in women's magazines, and cross-marketed with Barbie dolls. Pink Lady even has its own website -

Pink Lady comes from Australia, and is a cross between Golden Delicious and Lady Williams. Lady Williams is not a particularly well known apple variety in Europe, but has been quite widely grown in Australia, having been discovered as a chance seedling in the 1930s. It is probably from Lady Williams that Pink Lady gets its distinct colouring. (However it is interesting that another modern "blush" apple, the orange-coloured Tentation, is also a Golden Delicious cross). It requires a very long growing period and a hot climate, and hence is not grown commercially in the UK.

Pink Lady apples from the northern hemisphere tend to arrive in shops from late November - but the very long storage life means they are available almost all year round from northern or southern hemisphere orchards.

Does Pink Lady match up with the marketing ? Visually, it probably does - it is still unusual to see an apple that is genuinely pink. We are not so sure the flavour is quite up there with the best modern varieties (take Jazz for example), and it certainly will struggle to compete with some of the more complex older varieties. Having said that, the flavour is perfectly acceptable, and is slightly more acidic than Golden Delicious. Pink Lady is also a fairly juicy apple, and the texture is solid and bites cleanly. However, this is in some ways missing the point. The marketing effort for Pink Lady focusses on lifestyle rather than flavour, and having achieved about 10% of the UK market in a very short space of time, it is clearly doing something right and is deservedly popular.

Two Down, One to Go !

What a picture! Right after Manny hit the walk-off homerun in the bottom of ninth.

Red Sox have won the first two games in the best of five ALDS series.

Yankees, in contrast, lost two games in a row to Cleveland Indians. With one more lose, the Yankees will be gone in this year's playoff.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Love from Taiwan



Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Loose Change 2nd Edition

There are still lots of people don't believe what the US government told them, trying to figure out their own truth.

I have seen many efforts on the street and on TV, but so far this one is the best. Personally I do think the 911 as most people do. Although most are nonsense to me, there are still some good points in it, kinds of tricky...

Here is the official site:

Same as above but with Chinese subtitle

Monday, October 1, 2007

Abnova Part V

Okay, okay, I know I said there won't be another post about Abnova...

This morning I got an E-mail from the Abnova customer service for antibody information. It's fine, so far.

Then I read the last paragraph of the E-mail -

"By the way, do you see baseball games? Another Taiwan glory “王建民” will be the first starter of the world series on Oct 4. Hope he can win again. ^__^ "

Did she assume I must be a fan of Wang, aka "the Taiwan Glory", too? Ha-ha, it is very risky saying something like that to a person who lives in the capital of Red Sox Nation.

Besides, Wang is named to be the starting pitcher in ALDS game 1 (American League Division Series, at Cleveland), not World Series.

Fifty points from Abnova!!!