Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Interesting Article

Althuogh recently I rarely post articles about science in my Blog (WeB-LOG), I still keep updating my Alog (Article-LOG, at the right sidebar). Just read one news from Sciencenow -

"Gay Genes" May Be Good for Women

some quotes:
Camperio Ciani's team suggests that these gay genes may actually increase how attracted both men and women are to men rather than making gay men more "feminine," as some researchers had earlier proposed. Although this is bad for male fertility, it is good for female fertility and allows such genes to survive at low but stable rates in a population, the authors say.

Dean Hamer, a behavioral geneticist at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, who pioneered the search for gay genes, calls the study "an elegant mathematical analysis." He adds that the team has come up with a "simple solution" to the Darwinian paradox posed by homosexuality: "What is a 'gay gene' in a man is a 'superstraight gene' in a woman," he says.

Any thought? California just joined Massachusetts as the only two states in the US allowed same-sex marriage. Life could be tough for them especially when they were teenage. There are some gays in our department. One of them ever told me how he defended himself when classmates trying to humiliate him in public, by asking if he is gay, intentionally. He replied:

"Yes, I am gay; and I just slept with your dad last night. It felt sooooooooooooooooo good!"

Although it is a bit mean, but I think it's a pretty good defense to other mean people.

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