Thursday, October 19, 2006

Teaching Fellow for SimuCast Course

I got a teaching fellow job this semester for Jeff Lichtman's microscopy course. Jeff has this course in Cambridge and broadcasts it simultaneously to the Neuroscience department in Boston. I am the fellow at the Boston end. Most people here are postdocs, plus several students and PIs. Jeff is a terrific lecturer. I had this course last year and learnt a lot from it.

Part of my job is setting up the connection between Cambridge and Boston. When someone here asks questions, I control the camera shooting that person so Jeff in Cambridge can see his/her face. I took this movie by my digital camera this afternoon. If you see this movie carefully, you will find there is an empty zone in the middle of the classroom. No one like to sit there because that is the default position for camara shooting while no one asks questions. :)

I finished my teaching requirement last year by teaching 8th grade public school kids cell biology and microbiology. Therefore, I get paid by doing this TF. After all, I like this job. The pay is good; loading is not heavy; and it somehow recalls what I have learnt last year. All of them are good for me.

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