Sunday, October 22, 2006


第一次對這歌有深刻印象是因為看了啦啦隊電影 "Bring It On" (2000),Mickey 這首歌可是美國啦啦隊文化裡具有神聖不可侵犯地位的代表歌曲,理所當然就被電影就拿來當主題曲了。

後來才知道它是 1982 年 Toni Basil 的暢銷曲,不過 Toni Basil 並不是第一個唱這首歌的人,1979 年英國團體 Racey 就發表了這首歌,只是當時歌名叫 "Kitty" 主角的性別也是女生;後來 Toni Basil 把歌改成 Mickey 並把主角改作男生,Mickey 隨即衝上了 U.S. Billboard 的第一名。不過在 "Bring It On" 中這歌又被愛爾蘭團體 B*witched 給重唱了一遍。

B*witched version
Bring It On (2000) 的 closing credits 畫面,當時完全沒注意到原來主角是 Kirsten Dunst。

Toni Basil MV (1982)

Oh Mickey You're so fine / You're so fine you blow my mind / Hey Mickey (Huff Huff)/ Hey Mickey (Huff Huff) / Oh Mickey You're so Fine / You're so fine you blow my mind / Hey Mickey (Huff Huff) / Hey Mickey

You've been around all night and that's a little long / You think you've got the right but I think you've got it wrong / Why can't you say goodnight / So you can take me home Mickey

Cause when You say you will it always means you won't / You're givin me the chills baby, please baby don't / Every night you still leave me all alone Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understand / You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand / Oh Mickey You're so pretty / Can't you understand? / It's guys like you Mickey / Oh what you do Mickey / Do Mickey / Don't break my heart Mickey.

Now when you take me by the hooves everyone's gonna know / Everytime you move I get a little more sure / There's Something we can use so don't say no Mickey / So come on and give it to me anyway you can / Anyway you want to do it / I'll take it like a man / Oh please, baby please / Don't leave me in the down Mickey

Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understand / You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand / Oh Mickey You're so pretty / Can't you understand? / It's guys like you Mickey / Oh what you do Mickey / Do Mickey / Don't break my heart Mickey

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