Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sweet Caroline

另一首 Red Sox fans 必知的歌曲。

Sweet Caroline

Where it began, I can't begin to know when \ But then I know it's growing strong \ Oh, wasn't the spring, whooo \ And spring became the summer \ Who'd believe you'd come along \ Hands, touching hands, reaching out \ Touching me, touching you

Oh, sweet Caroline

Good times never seem so good

I've been inclined to believe it never would \ And now I, I look at the night, whooo \ And it don't seem so lonely \ We fill it up with only two, oh \ And when I hurt \ Hurting runs off my shoulder \ How can I hurt when holding you


除了一般在七局休息整理場地的時候有找人唱天佑「亞美利加」之外,Fenway Park 每場比賽的第八局都會放這首歌,在 MLB 中算是很特別的。

其中每每唱到Oh! Sweet Caroline 的時候,全場觀眾就會齊聲大叫 Bah, Bah, Bah~~ 接下來的 Good times never seem so good 則是接著喊 So good! So good! So good!~~

然後全場一起 high 翻天。

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