Monday, April 2, 2007


這一期的 Nature Cell Biology 在 Editorial 裡提到他們也要開始隨機檢驗送來文稿裡面圖片是否有造假的情形,在此之前 Journal of Cell Biology 是唯一這樣做的刊物。想到不久前發生的中興 Cell paper 事件,雖說實驗造假不是只有台灣發生過,但台灣似乎不是只有「科學教育」出了問題而已。

昨天同校的台灣朋友來家裡吃飯,聊天時提到最近要報稅了,講到另一個台灣學生報稅時用 resident 身份報,多拿了很多錢回來,很得意地跟人宣揚;同一個人之前也申請並拿到了台灣的菁英獎學金,在瞞著學校的情況下兩邊領錢。後來得知原來在我的學校裡這樣子兩邊拿錢的台灣學生還不少人的樣子。問題是大家在拿到學校的獎學金時都有簽份文件保證只有拿學校一份獎學金,如有獲得其它資助要通知學校,看起來很多人是都不當一回事的。雖說一兩百萬台幣的確不是筆小錢,很誘人,不過這並不能合理化甚麼。在國外獎學金或 fellowship 只能拿一份應該算是常識了,這些兩邊拿錢的台灣學生當然也知道這點,就跟報稅一樣,眼前有好處多半就退讓妥協了。

事實上講白一點,菁英獎學金從過去兩年的名單上來看,大抵來說「光環」還是有很大的影響;以我現在的地方,雖不能說一定拿得到,但我想認真去申請機會應是不小的。這次回台灣給 talk 時在學校就有老師問了類似的問題,問我為甚麼不同時申請台灣這邊的獎學金?我回答說「因為美國這邊學校規定只能拿一份獎學金」,她接著說「那就別讓學校知道就好了啊!」因為在場很多都還是學生,我頓了頓,還算客氣地回答她說「因為有些事是不對的,不能做就是不能做,不是學校知不知道的問題。」


這幾年前前後後也幫了不少台灣的申請者看過 SOP 或回答過申請學校的問題,也有遇過整封推薦信都是造假的例子,沒有修過數學多少門課,結果寫成自己利用課餘時間跟教授學了很多高深的數學,跟她說這樣子不對,得到的回應竟是「先進去再說」。後來這人也的確順利去了 UCSD 了,但又怎麼樣呢?

就像女人香裡的瞎子艾爾帕西諾講的「我們都知道哪條路是對的,但我們都沒有選那條路,只因為我們也知道那條路難走。」 如果如果如果,當遇到這些抉擇時我們都退讓妥協了,你怎麼可能期望將來寫 paper 時就能堅持下去呢,還是先賺到好處再說?



Anonymous said...


Red said...

儘管春訓時好幾個對手球員信勢旦旦地說他們看到松坂對他們投出魔球,但松坂自己說到目前為止都還沒有投過傳說中的魔球 (Gyro Ball),事實上他可能也不需要,他能夠使且犀利的球種已經夠多了。

上次新問還拍到他在問 Wakefield 怎麼丟蝴蝶球,真是太誇張。

[MLB Debut Game Recap]

Dice-K strikes out 10 in debut for BoSox win over Royals

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Dice-K had a debut that lived up to its advance billing.

With millions of early rising viewers keeping track on Japanese television, Daisuke Matsuzaka struck out 10 in seven innings for the Boston Red Sox in a 4-1 victory over the Kansas City Royals on Thursday.

Matsuzaka (1-0) allowed six hits, including a sixth-inning homer by David DeJesus, and walked one in his first game in the major leagues.

His famed array of fastballs, changeups and breaking pitches at times was dazzling. Flashing a reddish-orange glove during his slow-motion windup, he retired 10 batters in a row during one stretch. He struck out the side in the fourth on 14 pitches.

Matsuzaka left the Seibu Lions to sign a $52 million, six-year contract with the Red Sox, who bid $51,111,111 for his rights. The right-hander also proved himself a skillful fielder, pouncing off the mound three times to field weak grounders.

Anonymous said...


Red said...

To person, 請便, 不用客氣.

應該不會又在報紙上看到「網友 Red 指出...」就好了. :)

Anonymous said...


Red said...

hello, are you someone I know? :)

Yes, I know in some cases it is allowed to take outside fellowship while still keep your own one from schools. So probably you are right on this.

One case happened in my friends is, once GSAS knew he/she got the Taiwan governmental fellowship, they forced him/her to took that one, and said they would stop the harvard money no matter he/she took taiwan money or not.

Things became ugly but had a happy ending when faculties came in helping my friend to give up the taiwan money.