Wednesday, May 16, 2007



現在正被 paper 的事弄得焦頭爛額,忽然發現原來再四個禮拜就換我給 group meeting talk 了。真糟,這陣子其實根本沒做實驗,自然也沒有 data,還真不知怎麼報好。

趕 paper 之外還得抽空做幾個實驗擠一點資料出來,光用想的就累了‧‧‧

原本實驗室人多,大概一年只會輪到兩次,這陣子一下子走了 6 個 postdoc 加上 1 個學生 (thanks God Chris stays in the lab...),大概以後輪到的次數會頻繁些了,某方面來說這是好事,只是累了點。

最後還有一絲絲希望,我是輪到在 lab summer break 前的最後一次 group meeting 講,如果這段時間內有甚麼事要推延一個禮拜的話,我就可以等到九月再報了。 Keep my fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Good luck with your group meeting. I have been following your blogs for some times now---they are fantastic and take my mind off my own research headaches.....Anyway, just out of curiosity, could you tell me where Paul Chang is heading for his job? I rotated in the Stearns lab and overlapped with him a bit in graduate school--he was actually one year behind me but I gather that he must be on the job market this year already! Jealous......

Anyway, cheers and keep up the good "blog"!

Red said...

Hello Tree,

He just made the decision weeks ago. He will be an assistant professor in MIT pretty soon.

I feel jealous too, ha-ha. it must feel real good to have a lab in that kind of place. To tell the truth, seeing people in my lab all heading to the TOP institutes, I also feel a little bit worry don't know where I will be in the future (sob~~~)

BTW, I am not sure that I know you. Could you tell me who you are and how you find my place? :)

I am kind of surprised because I don't remember ever mentioned Paul Chang in my blog. If you like, you can email me, since you already know who I am. Thanks!!

Red said...

講個小八卦好了, Paul 跟我說他還是 Stanford PhD student 的那時, Stearns Lab 還是個小 lab, 人也不多. 說那時實驗室要買些實驗耗材還是離心機甚麼的都去 ebay 還是 amazon 上買. 聽起來很酷啊!

應該是真的, 因為 Paul 不像是個會虎爛的人..haha

Anonymous said...

Stearns Lab?

I thought there are only two Chinese students/post-docs currently in his lab. Tsai and Wang. Maybe I am wrong. Are Tree the one publishing frog/centriole story in Nature?

The gossip about online shopping sounds cool (becuase I thought Tim should be a rich PI), but not novel. Some Labs here tend to do the same thing because that's one hobby of the PI.


Red said...

Paul in my lab was in "ANOTHER" Tim's lab many years ago. So it is unlikely Tree is still there doing the rotation. :)

I guess at that time "ANOTHER" Tim was just a junior faculty. Not a big shot as he is now.

Don't know whether that is true, I heard two Tim's have very similar personalities in some ways.

Anonymous said...

Yup, it was eons ago when I rotated in the Stearns lab. I did not witness any on-line shopping but did see Tim (Stearns) trying to fix equipments himself. Another unrelated gossip, Tim is a fantastic blues guitar player!


Red said...

Tim Stearns? 真是看不出來啊~~~