Sunday, November 5, 2006


Cheap Trick, 我最喜歡的樂團之一。雖然在台灣似乎沒有太大的知名度,但 70 及 80 年代在日本可是紅透半邊天的,有一張專輯便是日本武道館演唱會的實況。知道他們的時候年紀還小,首次接觸到的歌有點芭樂但也是我最喜歡聽的歌 Can't Stop Fallin' Into Love,可惜找不到 MV 沒辦法放上來。

Surrender 則大概是他們在電影電視影集中出現次數最多的歌曲,大部分人應該多少都聽過。嗯,應景一下,點給阿扁好了,哈哈。

Surrender / CheapTrick
Words and Music by Rick Nielsen

Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet girls like you / She also told me, "Stay away, you'll never know what you'll catch." / Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some Indonesian junk that's going round / Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird / Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away, ay, ay, ay

Father says, "Your mother's right, she's really up on things." / "Before we married, Mommy served in the WACS in the Philippines." / Now, I had heard the WACS recruited old maids for the war / But mommy isn't one of those, I've known her all these years / Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird / Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away, ay, ay, ay

Whatever happened to all this season's losers of the year? / Ev'ry time I got to thinking, where'd they disappear? / When I woke up, Mom and Dad are rolling on the couch / Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my Kiss records out / Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird / Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away, ay, ay, ay


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