Friday, March 14, 2008

The Newton of Biology Is Coming to Town

Finally it is the theory lunch given by Franziska!

However, the title is a bit disappointing, too cliche. We expected it would be "equations cure cancer", or something like that.

After all, she gave a good talk. Both Dan and I like it. It was surprisingly not many difficult maths in her study. Everything is simple and first order equation, which makes me wonder what her role is in this project. My feeling is so far she is not fitting well in the bio-field, as an outsider.

The basic idea of her work is the evolution of cancer cells to cancer drug (Gleevec). She mentioned the pattern of decresing and recurring cancer cell numbers, and then tried to explain it by equations.

Anyway, these are not important. The point it she is cute~ Better than the picture I showed here before (but still not even close to Jessica Alba!)

“Dynamics of chronic myeloid leukemia”

Franziska Michor
Computational Biology Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

CML represents the first human cancer in which molecularly targeted therapy leads to a dramatic clinical response. Imatinib mesylate (Gleevec, STI571) is a potent inhibitor of the BCR-ABL fusion oncogene that drives the leukemia, and induces remission in all stages of the disease. Although CML represents one of the most well studied cancers, several critical questions remain. (i) CML is associated with the BCR-ABL oncogene, but the total number of mutations necessary to initiate the disease is unknown. Is the BCR-ABL oncogene sufficient to cause chronic phase CML? (ii) In most patients imatinib fails to eliminate residual disease, which has been shown to be part of the stem cell compartment. What is the response of leukemic stem cells to imatinib therapy? (iii) A substantial fraction of patients evolves point mutations in the ABL kinase domain leading to treatment failure. What are the dynamics of resistance? (iv) Disease progression has been reported to correlate with an expansion of leukemic stem cells or progenitors. In which cellular compartment do mutations arise that drive progression to blast crisis? (v) The second-generation ABL kinase inhibitors dasatinib and nilotinib are entering clinical trials. What is the dynamics of treatment response to those drugs? In this talk, I will discuss theoretical and experimental approaches to answer these questions.

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