忘記了有沒有提過我們有個專管 culture room 的 manager,可以幫我們凍存細胞,做 stable cell line 等等的事。
最近不知誰給的建議,說跟「拿著細胞到隔壁去看螢光表現情形再走回 culture room」比起來,直接放一台螢光顯微鏡在 culture room 裡一定很方便。那 manager 聽了也就真的去請款買了台放在 culture room 裡。
不要覺得怎麼這麼好,開始羨慕,這其實是個頗怪異又不合用的想法,因為通常要看見細胞裡表現的螢光訊號,得把房間裡的燈關了才行,culture room 還有別人使用,一直開關燈也是很麻煩的事;結果就是花了一大筆錢但擺在那到現在一個禮拜還沒人去用過。
A student in a RICH department!
okay, I have to confess that this is not really as bad as I thought.
I tried the fluorescent microscope checking the transfection efficiency of my GFP clones, and it looked okay even though the light is on.
Hmm... maybe there will be more and more people using it?
The fluorescent lamp is supposed to leave it on forever, so people don't have to worry about the interval problems between on and off.
You don't have to.....But your suggestion is so legit.....sometimes this on-and-off problem kills your new lamp, that just happened in our lab.....Tell Tim to do so!
I am at Atlanta to attend a prostate cancer conference. I didn't do a thing on any related topic in the past 3 years, ha, though my wage is paid by this prostate predoctoral fellowship.....
"there are more people live on cancer than die of cancer."
Cancer is everywhere for everyone!
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