Because they really do! Yankees just got their home base stolen by Toronto Blue Jays yesterday, impressive!
Currently Yankees at the last spot in AL standing are 14.5 games behind the Boston Red "HOT" Sox, the No.1 team in MLB. That means Yankees have to win 29 games in a row to catch up the Red Sox with a 50% winning rate (which is >70% right now).
So, let's say it loudly and proudly -
Yankees SUCK!!!
or Yankees BYE ???
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Just Usual Words in Kitchen
Since our department claims we are doing the "Systems Biology", not surprising there are many non-biology people hanging with us for cross-discipline sparks. I found it is really interesting talking to those theory guys; sometimes they are just like coming from another planet.
Here is a classic example just happened minutes ago in our kitchen.
An engineering-background postdoc said he felt a little bit frustrtaed because cell biology experiments is hard.
A graduate student in Applied Mathematics was there too; asked "what's wrong?"
The engineering postdoc joked: "I want to do experimental work because theory is only for smart people just like you guys."
The mathmetics student said: "It's okay. If you do more thinking everyday, you will have your chance."
All other people "........................."
Here is a classic example just happened minutes ago in our kitchen.
An engineering-background postdoc said he felt a little bit frustrtaed because cell biology experiments is hard.
A graduate student in Applied Mathematics was there too; asked "what's wrong?"
The engineering postdoc joked: "I want to do experimental work because theory is only for smart people just like you guys."
The mathmetics student said: "It's okay. If you do more thinking everyday, you will have your chance."
All other people "........................."
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
既然書已經看完了,便連到旁邊 aNobii Book Shelf 把書給下架,結果無意看到一本書的介紹,畢恆達寫得實在真切。
教授為什麼沒告訴我- 論文寫作枕邊書
好像真的是這樣啊!前不久一位朋友跟我說她寫 paper 時會跑去看新聞網站,一遍又一遍。剛剛 James 也跑過來跟我抱怨他完全沒辦法開始動筆寫 paper,只好在實驗室裡晃來晃去,想找些事情做。我們系上的 Becky 曾經是 Nature editor,她和另外一位 Science editor 合寫過一篇文章 TIPS FOR WRITING A SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPT,文章裡面就戲稱這種情形叫做 terrified-rabbit syndrome。
既然書已經看完了,便連到旁邊 aNobii Book Shelf 把書給下架,結果無意看到一本書的介紹,畢恆達寫得實在真切。
教授為什麼沒告訴我- 論文寫作枕邊書
好像真的是這樣啊!前不久一位朋友跟我說她寫 paper 時會跑去看新聞網站,一遍又一遍。剛剛 James 也跑過來跟我抱怨他完全沒辦法開始動筆寫 paper,只好在實驗室裡晃來晃去,想找些事情做。我們系上的 Becky 曾經是 Nature editor,她和另外一位 Science editor 合寫過一篇文章 TIPS FOR WRITING A SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPT,文章裡面就戲稱這種情形叫做 terrified-rabbit syndrome。
Saturday, May 26, 2007
不過 playgroup 的義工還是建議父母要教小朋友倒著下樓梯,比較安全。
不過 playgroup 的義工還是建議父母要教小朋友倒著下樓梯,比較安全。
Walk the Dog
最近學校裡的草皮終於長好了,自然有機會就帶著凡凡到草地上玩耍。因為這幾天 Yard 裡太多人,離家最近的設計學院旁的草地倒是很好的選擇。從台灣帶了不少凡凡的玩具過來,這隻會跑會叫的小狗是其中之一。凡凡很喜歡跟牠玩,三不五時便會提著小狗來要大人幫他把開關打開。
前文提過位在 Cabot Library 前的噴泉。
這幾天天氣特別熱,經過 Science Center 的時候便帶凡凡去噴泉旁邊看看他會有甚麼反應。一開始凡凡有點害怕,只敢站在較外圍的地方摸摸噴到地上的水花,最後想往裡面走還記得回頭拉人跟他一起去。
這幾天天氣特別熱,經過 Science Center 的時候便帶凡凡去噴泉旁邊看看他會有甚麼反應。一開始凡凡有點害怕,只敢站在較外圍的地方摸摸噴到地上的水花,最後想往裡面走還記得回頭拉人跟他一起去。
我們學校是強制大學部一年級學生一定得住校的,觀光勝地的 old yard 四週圍的美麗房舍便是他們的宿舍。現在學期結束,這些新鮮人不再新鮮,按規定得搬出 yard houses,所以這幾天 yard 裡頭人特別多,許多父母也全家出動幫忙搬家。
今天禮拜六,帶凡凡去 COOP 聽故事,聽完後回程經過 yard 去爬 Widener 的樓梯。凡凡心情很好的樣子,見到人還不時會主動地跟人揮手打招呼,也逗著一對老夫妻十分開心,跟凡凡的爸爸講「將來凡凡說不定可以變成這間學校的學生喔!」
凡凡現在可以爬很高的樓梯了,也會下樓梯,不過因為 Widener 門口的樓梯比較高也比較陡,所以一直還是牽著凡凡的手陪走。等到下了樓梯回到平地,大概凡凡的玩興已經起來了,便開始東晃西晃地逛起校園來了。影片中間還有一段可以看到凡凡現在如果想去哪裡,便會走在前面拖著大人的手要別人跟他一起走。
凡凡腳上穿的是在台灣買的皮鞋。算算他走的距離和時間,是真的蠻厲害的;特別是他還剛爬過 Widener 的樓梯。
今天禮拜六,帶凡凡去 COOP 聽故事,聽完後回程經過 yard 去爬 Widener 的樓梯。凡凡心情很好的樣子,見到人還不時會主動地跟人揮手打招呼,也逗著一對老夫妻十分開心,跟凡凡的爸爸講「將來凡凡說不定可以變成這間學校的學生喔!」
凡凡現在可以爬很高的樓梯了,也會下樓梯,不過因為 Widener 門口的樓梯比較高也比較陡,所以一直還是牽著凡凡的手陪走。等到下了樓梯回到平地,大概凡凡的玩興已經起來了,便開始東晃西晃地逛起校園來了。影片中間還有一段可以看到凡凡現在如果想去哪裡,便會走在前面拖著大人的手要別人跟他一起走。
凡凡腳上穿的是在台灣買的皮鞋。算算他走的距離和時間,是真的蠻厲害的;特別是他還剛爬過 Widener 的樓梯。
Friday, May 25, 2007
不過說穿了,它只是凡凡爸爸實驗室裡「ㄎㄧㄤ」來的透明培養基瓶子而已(跟著 250ml medium filter 一起來的那種,有經驗的就知道我在說甚麼)。
不過說穿了,它只是凡凡爸爸實驗室裡「ㄎㄧㄤ」來的透明培養基瓶子而已(跟著 250ml medium filter 一起來的那種,有經驗的就知道我在說甚麼)。
What Makes a Genetic Network a Clock?
好一陣子沒有寫 theory lunch 了,看在免費午餐和 soda 的份上,今天中午跑去聽了 theory lunch,這一次是這學期的最後一場,得等到九月還是十月才能再有免費午餐吃。
Jeremy 開場介紹的時候說今天的講者 Dan Forger 是很少見的 experimental mathematics Doctor。 Dan 是我們學校大學部的畢業生,還有碩士,申請上 NYU 的數學博士後又拿了筆獎學金回到我們學校的醫學院做研究,所以幾乎所有的學生生涯都在這裡度過,最後也只是回 NYU 領文憑而已。大概是拍馬屁,Dan 最後加了一句說他覺得非常幸運,因為這種事情只可能在我們學校發生。
Dan 說他很早就對生理時鐘很感興趣,在醫學院主要的研究就是希望用數學結合臨床上的一些發現與數據,導出可行的 model 來解釋生理時鐘是怎麼一回事。Dan 現在是 UM 數學系的助理教授,一直到現在都還是專研在這個題目上。
簡單說,生理時鐘就是一個 osccilation,而日照或其它生理因素則是變因調控這個 oscillation 使它能因應變化且仍然穩定。這其實是個很大且很老的題目,從最抽象的數學上的 network study 到最基層的 neuron molecular mechanism 都有人在研究,但整場 talk 聽下來似乎還有很長的一段路要走。這並是不說這場 talk 講得不好,事實上 Dan 整場表達技巧非常出色,從神經元調控的基本架構開始,一直談到幾個比較成功的 mathematic models,內容很豐富。不過大概是太 comfortable 了,中間還出現了打哈欠的情況,不,我不是說聽眾裡面有人聽到打哈欠,我指的是給 talk 的人講著講著就打了個大哈欠後再繼續講這種怪事,我還是第一次看到。不然就是講到一半跑去旁邊抓幾塊餅干在手上回來邊吃邊講,很有趣。
其實只要講到 modeling,總是會繞回到幾個最根本的問題。assumption 要怎麼下?要嚴格到甚麼程度才不會讓 model 太 unrealistic?以及每次必有的經典 FAQ,簡化整個機制的那條線到底要劃在哪裡?
我自己的感覺是生理時鐘這個題目實在是太大了,雖然因為很明顯以及很有趣,久久以前便吸引了很多人投入;不過以現在的眼光來看這應該不能算是一個好的 modeling 題目。生理時鐘這樣的機制說不定是上千條不同的 signaling pathways 同時運作加總的結果,這使得這題目在簡化上非常容易失真,不簡化太多的話又沒辦法 handle 這麼龐大的架構,幾乎不可能成功地用現有的資料架構出一個貼近真實情況的 model 來。
目前看到幾個比較好的作法應該是專注在某個細胞內的機制上,像我們 lab 裡 Kendra 試圖用 model 解釋 meiotic spindle 怎麼形成 bipolar structure,或者隔壁鄰居 Galit 專注在研究 p53 的 regulation network 上。
題外話,今天校內的報紙寫說醫學院的新 dean 快要定案了。大概 Larry Summers 上次亂說話造成的傷害實在太大,繼女校長之後,我們的新 dean 看來也是個女生,Elizabeth G. Nabel,這可是個十分 powerful 的位子,可以管的 affilated hospitals 就有 18 間,下轄的 faculties 超過 11,000 人,只算來自於美國政府的經費去年加總便超過 1 billion dollors,;大概比整個台大或中研院都要來的大吧!
What makes a genetic network a clock?
25 May 2007
Daniel Forger
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
Biological clocks time many events in nature including sleep patterns, developmental events, and hormone release. Recent experimental work has shown that these clocks consist of feedback networks of interacting genes and proteins within cells. By analyzing mathematical models (ordinary differential equations), we derive strict requirements for when oscillations emerge in genetic feedback networks. We show how a bistable clock can be built, where external signals can start or stop rhythmicity, and discuss recent experimental work to build synthetic clocks. Amazingly, the period of these clocks depends only on how quickly molecules are removed, and whether rhythms are close to sinusoidal. From this general theory, more accurate mammalian models of circadian (~24-hour) rhythms will be considered, and we will explain why a family in Utah always wakes up early.
Jeremy 開場介紹的時候說今天的講者 Dan Forger 是很少見的 experimental mathematics Doctor。 Dan 是我們學校大學部的畢業生,還有碩士,申請上 NYU 的數學博士後又拿了筆獎學金回到我們學校的醫學院做研究,所以幾乎所有的學生生涯都在這裡度過,最後也只是回 NYU 領文憑而已。大概是拍馬屁,Dan 最後加了一句說他覺得非常幸運,因為這種事情只可能在我們學校發生。
Dan 說他很早就對生理時鐘很感興趣,在醫學院主要的研究就是希望用數學結合臨床上的一些發現與數據,導出可行的 model 來解釋生理時鐘是怎麼一回事。Dan 現在是 UM 數學系的助理教授,一直到現在都還是專研在這個題目上。
簡單說,生理時鐘就是一個 osccilation,而日照或其它生理因素則是變因調控這個 oscillation 使它能因應變化且仍然穩定。這其實是個很大且很老的題目,從最抽象的數學上的 network study 到最基層的 neuron molecular mechanism 都有人在研究,但整場 talk 聽下來似乎還有很長的一段路要走。這並是不說這場 talk 講得不好,事實上 Dan 整場表達技巧非常出色,從神經元調控的基本架構開始,一直談到幾個比較成功的 mathematic models,內容很豐富。不過大概是太 comfortable 了,中間還出現了打哈欠的情況,不,我不是說聽眾裡面有人聽到打哈欠,我指的是給 talk 的人講著講著就打了個大哈欠後再繼續講這種怪事,我還是第一次看到。不然就是講到一半跑去旁邊抓幾塊餅干在手上回來邊吃邊講,很有趣。
其實只要講到 modeling,總是會繞回到幾個最根本的問題。assumption 要怎麼下?要嚴格到甚麼程度才不會讓 model 太 unrealistic?以及每次必有的經典 FAQ,簡化整個機制的那條線到底要劃在哪裡?
我自己的感覺是生理時鐘這個題目實在是太大了,雖然因為很明顯以及很有趣,久久以前便吸引了很多人投入;不過以現在的眼光來看這應該不能算是一個好的 modeling 題目。生理時鐘這樣的機制說不定是上千條不同的 signaling pathways 同時運作加總的結果,這使得這題目在簡化上非常容易失真,不簡化太多的話又沒辦法 handle 這麼龐大的架構,幾乎不可能成功地用現有的資料架構出一個貼近真實情況的 model 來。
目前看到幾個比較好的作法應該是專注在某個細胞內的機制上,像我們 lab 裡 Kendra 試圖用 model 解釋 meiotic spindle 怎麼形成 bipolar structure,或者隔壁鄰居 Galit 專注在研究 p53 的 regulation network 上。
題外話,今天校內的報紙寫說醫學院的新 dean 快要定案了。大概 Larry Summers 上次亂說話造成的傷害實在太大,繼女校長之後,我們的新 dean 看來也是個女生,Elizabeth G. Nabel,這可是個十分 powerful 的位子,可以管的 affilated hospitals 就有 18 間,下轄的 faculties 超過 11,000 人,只算來自於美國政府的經費去年加總便超過 1 billion dollors,;大概比整個台大或中研院都要來的大吧!
What makes a genetic network a clock?
25 May 2007
Daniel Forger
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
Biological clocks time many events in nature including sleep patterns, developmental events, and hormone release. Recent experimental work has shown that these clocks consist of feedback networks of interacting genes and proteins within cells. By analyzing mathematical models (ordinary differential equations), we derive strict requirements for when oscillations emerge in genetic feedback networks. We show how a bistable clock can be built, where external signals can start or stop rhythmicity, and discuss recent experimental work to build synthetic clocks. Amazingly, the period of these clocks depends only on how quickly molecules are removed, and whether rhythms are close to sinusoidal. From this general theory, more accurate mammalian models of circadian (~24-hour) rhythms will be considered, and we will explain why a family in Utah always wakes up early.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
7 Days
Craig David 的 7 Days,整首歌的歌詞落落長,手上也沒歌詞又不曉得歌名叫做甚麼,只能努力地聽聽看到底在唱些甚麼,可能跟很多人一樣,最後聽得最清楚的就是 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 這些禮拜幾做了哪些事的段落,其中又以禮拜三最淺顯易懂,絕對不會聽錯。
MV 的情節很像 Bill Murray 演的那部 Groundhogs Day,中文翻作「今天暫時停止」。就是你沒法進入下一天,得一直重覆過同一天,直到你把事情做對為止。
7 Days - Craig David
On my way to see my friends \ Who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh) \ As I walked through the subway \ It must have been about quarter past three \ In front of me \ Stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body \ She asked me for the time \ I said it’d cost her her name \ A six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine
Did she decline? no \ Didn’t she mind? I don’t think so \ Was it for real? damn sure \ What was the deal? a pretty girl aged 24 \ So was she keen? she couldn’t wait Cinnamon queen? let me update \ What did she say? she said she’d love to Rendezvous \ She asked me what we were gonna do \ Said we’d start with a bottle of moet for two
Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by Wednesday \ And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \ I met this girl on Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by wednesday \ And on thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
Nine was the time \ Cos I’ll be getting mine \ And she was looking fine \ Smooth talker \ She told me \ She’d love to unfold me all night long \ Ooh I loved the way she kicked it \ From the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the Way she Kicked it) \ And I oh oh I yeah \ Hope that she’d care \ Cos I’m a man who’ll always be there
Ooh yeah \ I’m not a man to play around baby \ Ooh yeah \ Cos a one night stand isn’t really fair \ From the first impression girl hmm you don’t seem to be like that \ Cos there’s no need to chat for there’ll be plenty for that \ From the subway to my home
Endless ringing of my phone \ When you feeling all alone \ All you gotta do \ Is just call me call me
Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by Wednesday \ And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \ I met this girl on Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by wednesday \ And on thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
Bridge (break it down, uh break it down) \ Since I met this special lady \ Ooh yeah \ I can’t get her of my mind \ She’s one of a kind \ And I ain’t about to deny it \ It’s a special kind thing \ With you-oh.......
Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by Wednesday \ And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \ I met this girl on Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by wednesday \ And on thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
Craig David 的 7 Days,整首歌的歌詞落落長,手上也沒歌詞又不曉得歌名叫做甚麼,只能努力地聽聽看到底在唱些甚麼,可能跟很多人一樣,最後聽得最清楚的就是 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 這些禮拜幾做了哪些事的段落,其中又以禮拜三最淺顯易懂,絕對不會聽錯。
MV 的情節很像 Bill Murray 演的那部 Groundhogs Day,中文翻作「今天暫時停止」。就是你沒法進入下一天,得一直重覆過同一天,直到你把事情做對為止。
7 Days - Craig David
On my way to see my friends \ Who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh) \ As I walked through the subway \ It must have been about quarter past three \ In front of me \ Stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body \ She asked me for the time \ I said it’d cost her her name \ A six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine
Did she decline? no \ Didn’t she mind? I don’t think so \ Was it for real? damn sure \ What was the deal? a pretty girl aged 24 \ So was she keen? she couldn’t wait Cinnamon queen? let me update \ What did she say? she said she’d love to Rendezvous \ She asked me what we were gonna do \ Said we’d start with a bottle of moet for two
Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by Wednesday \ And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \ I met this girl on Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by wednesday \ And on thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
Nine was the time \ Cos I’ll be getting mine \ And she was looking fine \ Smooth talker \ She told me \ She’d love to unfold me all night long \ Ooh I loved the way she kicked it \ From the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the Way she Kicked it) \ And I oh oh I yeah \ Hope that she’d care \ Cos I’m a man who’ll always be there
Ooh yeah \ I’m not a man to play around baby \ Ooh yeah \ Cos a one night stand isn’t really fair \ From the first impression girl hmm you don’t seem to be like that \ Cos there’s no need to chat for there’ll be plenty for that \ From the subway to my home
Endless ringing of my phone \ When you feeling all alone \ All you gotta do \ Is just call me call me
Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by Wednesday \ And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \ I met this girl on Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by wednesday \ And on thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
Bridge (break it down, uh break it down) \ Since I met this special lady \ Ooh yeah \ I can’t get her of my mind \ She’s one of a kind \ And I ain’t about to deny it \ It’s a special kind thing \ With you-oh.......
Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by Wednesday \ And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday \ I met this girl on Monday \ Took her for a drink on Tuesday \ We were making love by wednesday \ And on thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday
Sunday, May 20, 2007
今天禮拜天,早上凡凡媽媽外出採買,在家裡陪凡凡公子玩耍,所以下午才出門到 Cabot 繼續與 paper 搏鬥。
Cabot 雖然看起來沒有 Widener 或 Lamont 氣派,完全就是給人理工科那種感覺,不過 Cabot 的窗景比較開闊,景色也比 yard 內的圖書館好上許多,如果細心一點,搬張椅子找個角落,享受一下窗外的景色,感受起來甚至比在 Widener 還要好些。


下午四點,放晴了,大伙開始出來走動,瞬間就生氣蓬勃了起來。讓在窗邊的我心情也亮了些,想著不知凡凡媽媽會不會趁此帶凡凡出來 yard 這邊活動活動,說不定剛好走過窗前就這麼遇見了也說不定!

Cabot 雖然看起來沒有 Widener 或 Lamont 氣派,完全就是給人理工科那種感覺,不過 Cabot 的窗景比較開闊,景色也比 yard 內的圖書館好上許多,如果細心一點,搬張椅子找個角落,享受一下窗外的景色,感受起來甚至比在 Widener 還要好些。
下午四點,放晴了,大伙開始出來走動,瞬間就生氣蓬勃了起來。讓在窗邊的我心情也亮了些,想著不知凡凡媽媽會不會趁此帶凡凡出來 yard 這邊活動活動,說不定剛好走過窗前就這麼遇見了也說不定!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
One Day in Cabot
圖片是 Science Center 前的噴水池,剛好位在 Cabot Library 落地窗的前方,坐在 Cabot 裡便可以看見,景觀很好。
這陣子是 under reading period,所以各大小圖書館都擠滿了人。今天賴床了一下拖到十點多才出門,想大概 Lamont 已經沒有位子了,跟 Widener 或 Lamont 這些大館不同的是,Cabot 是收藏科學書籍的專業圖書館,地下一層地上兩層。位在 yard 的外面,來的大學生應該不會那麼多,因此便決定到 Cabot 試試運氣。
雖然快滿了,還是找到了個不錯的位子。放眼望去裡面絕大多數還是準備 final 的大學生。雖說是準備期末考,有點誇張的是到了一點半,不管是用自己的 laptop 或是用圖書館裡的公用電腦,大概有三分之一的人開了 的 gameday 即時 follow Red Sox 跟 Braves 的比賽。這場是昨天的因雨延賽的補賽,Fenway 主場 Dice-K 主投。結果勇士打線完全被 Dice-K 壓制,加上投手爆了被打了一分兩分和四分的全壘打,最後 13:3 紅襪大勝;圖書館裡的人個個看起來喜形於色,只差沒能像在 pub 裡那樣大聲歡呼了。
之前把 paper 寫完的部分寄給了 Tim & Chris,前兩天討論了一下要修改的地方,還真不少,哈哈。其實這陣子花時間寫 paper 也讓我有機會好好地想想一些事情。從加入實驗室到現在,就技術上來看其實並沒有學到太多,講出來可能有人不信,自 rotation 後我就沒有再做過 cloning, pcr, run gel 這些事了;大概做的都是 imaging 的實驗,大概就是些很 cell biology 那樣的事。相對地,反而在思考上那種難以量化的部份覺得獲益很多,說不出來,但總覺得思考上慢慢地再改變,以一種難以形容的方式。
實驗技術方面我倒覺得還好反正本來這些事我就都會了應該也做得不錯,只是很久之前就有的感覺現在越來越強烈,簡單說就是不想太 one-dimensional。這並不是說像是 cell-bio + Biochem 這樣相近的 2-dimenstion,理想一點就該像是 精神醫生 + 社會學家/人類學家 或是 內科醫生 + 系統生物學 這樣子的型式 (哈!剛好我都有認識這樣組合的人,真巧)
其實現在是個很好的點,在寫作的過程中自然會思考這篇 paper 往後可以發展的方向。實驗室裡從物理跨進來搞生物的 Dan 建議我直接做個跟其它領域相關的計劃,他覺得這是最好也最快的方法,有需求才會有效果。我想數學方面我大概是沒救了,只好先試試別的。
Friday, May 18, 2007
Good TGIF Paper for Whom over 18
It is from Fifteen Minutes (FM), a column in the Harvard Crimson Magazine. This article is about a survey on Harvard undergraduate students (hmm~)
Here are some quotes:
Cheat Sheet for Harvard Sex Facts: Veritas...Very Nasty!
Fun Facts
• When asked how many sexual partners they have had in the last month, one True Love Revolution member responded “One...if my hand counts.”
• Those who enjoy blowing horns must also enjoy blowing each other, as the average count for the Harvard band was 86—the highest of any club.
• 15.8% of Harvard students report having sex with a TF. Folklore and mythology concentrators appear to be getting the most play, with one respondent writing in “Mount Olympus? More like Mount Me, you hot TF.”
• 16.3% of students who eat Fruit Loops enjoy anal sex, as compared to only 4.3% of the total Harvard population. 53.7% found the word “anal” kind of funny.
• 0.001% of Harvard student(s) report(s) having a mysterious rash down there but claim(s) that “it’s clearing up nicely.”
• 4.7% of Harvard girls reported hooking up with a member of the Oak Club. Combined, the members of the Oak Club claim they have hooked up with 54% of Harvard girls.
• Mac users are quicker to drop the pants, with an average user willing to bunker down after 2.9 dates (versus 3.1 for PC users.)*
• Students who drink on a regular basis appear to also be having more sex, but FM is still trying to find a link between these two seemingly unrelated facts. Beer goggles what?
*this data taken from the actual Indy sex survey, May 2005. Like FM would use the phrase “bunker down.”
Here are some quotes:
Cheat Sheet for Harvard Sex Facts: Veritas...Very Nasty!
Fun Facts
• When asked how many sexual partners they have had in the last month, one True Love Revolution member responded “One...if my hand counts.”
• Those who enjoy blowing horns must also enjoy blowing each other, as the average count for the Harvard band was 86—the highest of any club.
• 15.8% of Harvard students report having sex with a TF. Folklore and mythology concentrators appear to be getting the most play, with one respondent writing in “Mount Olympus? More like Mount Me, you hot TF.”
• 16.3% of students who eat Fruit Loops enjoy anal sex, as compared to only 4.3% of the total Harvard population. 53.7% found the word “anal” kind of funny.
• 0.001% of Harvard student(s) report(s) having a mysterious rash down there but claim(s) that “it’s clearing up nicely.”
• 4.7% of Harvard girls reported hooking up with a member of the Oak Club. Combined, the members of the Oak Club claim they have hooked up with 54% of Harvard girls.
• Mac users are quicker to drop the pants, with an average user willing to bunker down after 2.9 dates (versus 3.1 for PC users.)*
• Students who drink on a regular basis appear to also be having more sex, but FM is still trying to find a link between these two seemingly unrelated facts. Beer goggles what?
*this data taken from the actual Indy sex survey, May 2005. Like FM would use the phrase “bunker down.”
Good TGIF Paper for Whom in Academia
This is an interesting paper about how to avoid writing a good and understandable scienfitic paper. It was published on "Oikos", 2007. Enjoy it!
If you happen to have the access, here is the link:
How to write consistently boring scientific literature

Figure legend: "Congratulations, you are now capable of writing technical, impersonal boring papers like myself and the other gentlemen - welcome to Academia."
Here are some quotes:
Danish biology professor Kaj Sand-Jensen has a new Oikos paper (2007 - 116: 723-727) which provides advice on How to write consistently boring scientific literature:
A Scandinavian professor has told me an interesting story. The first English manuscript prepared by one of his PhD students had been written in a personal style, slightly verbose but with a humoristic tone and thoughtful side-tracks. There was absolutely no chance, however, that it would meet the strict demands of brevity, clarity and impersonality of a standard article. With great difficulty, this student eventually learned the standard style of producing technical, boring and impersonal scientific writing, thus enabling him to write and defend his thesis successfully.
I recalled the irony in this story from many discussions with colleges, who have been forced to restrict their humor, satire and wisdom to the tyranny of jargon and impersonal style that dominates scientific writing. Personally, I have felt it increasingly difficult to consume the steeply growing number of hardly digestible original articles. It has been a great relief from time to time to read and write essays and books instead.
Because science ought to be fun and attractive, particularly when many months of hard work with grant applications, data collections and calculations are over and everything is ready for publishing the wonderful results, it is most unfortunate that the final reading and writing phases are so tiresome.
I have therefore tried to identify what characteristics make so much of our scientific writing unbearably boring, and I have come up with a top-10 list of recommendations for writing consistently boring publications.
1. Avoid focus
2. Avoid originality and personality
3. Write long contributions
4. Remove implications and speculations
5. Leave out illustrations
6. Omit necessary steps of reasoning
7. Use many abbreviations and terms
8. Suppress humor and flowery language
9. Degrade biology to statistics
10. Quote numerous papers for trivial statements
If you happen to have the access, here is the link:
How to write consistently boring scientific literature

Figure legend: "Congratulations, you are now capable of writing technical, impersonal boring papers like myself and the other gentlemen - welcome to Academia."
Here are some quotes:
Danish biology professor Kaj Sand-Jensen has a new Oikos paper (2007 - 116: 723-727) which provides advice on How to write consistently boring scientific literature:
A Scandinavian professor has told me an interesting story. The first English manuscript prepared by one of his PhD students had been written in a personal style, slightly verbose but with a humoristic tone and thoughtful side-tracks. There was absolutely no chance, however, that it would meet the strict demands of brevity, clarity and impersonality of a standard article. With great difficulty, this student eventually learned the standard style of producing technical, boring and impersonal scientific writing, thus enabling him to write and defend his thesis successfully.
I recalled the irony in this story from many discussions with colleges, who have been forced to restrict their humor, satire and wisdom to the tyranny of jargon and impersonal style that dominates scientific writing. Personally, I have felt it increasingly difficult to consume the steeply growing number of hardly digestible original articles. It has been a great relief from time to time to read and write essays and books instead.
Because science ought to be fun and attractive, particularly when many months of hard work with grant applications, data collections and calculations are over and everything is ready for publishing the wonderful results, it is most unfortunate that the final reading and writing phases are so tiresome.
I have therefore tried to identify what characteristics make so much of our scientific writing unbearably boring, and I have come up with a top-10 list of recommendations for writing consistently boring publications.
1. Avoid focus
2. Avoid originality and personality
3. Write long contributions
4. Remove implications and speculations
5. Leave out illustrations
6. Omit necessary steps of reasoning
7. Use many abbreviations and terms
8. Suppress humor and flowery language
9. Degrade biology to statistics
10. Quote numerous papers for trivial statements
Thursday, May 17, 2007
DVD Player
夏天到了,凡凡也開始每週向 Cambridge Main Library 報到,唱歌跳舞聽故事。不過一想到家裡的 DVD 被看壞了,沒辦法順便從圖書館借些電影回來看就有點沒力。
現在家裡看壞的那台是當初辦 Chase credit card 時的贈品,基本上也是會辦 chase 卡的主要原因啦。
上網找了一下看哪裡有免費的 DVD player,發現 citi bank 正在推一個 credit pretection 的活動,只要參加第一個月免費還送 DVD player,不過她只能適用 Citi 的信用卡,所以我只好先申請張 Citi Dividend 來用。
之前參加其它那種送五塊十塊的免費活動時,有寄我的 credit point 給我看過,只記得我的點數還蠻高的,記得不是很清楚,大概是八百多一點點的樣子。 Citi Dividend 不是張好請的卡,她提供消費金額 2% cash back,就是說你每花一百塊可以領回兩塊錢。大概去年中以前還是 5% cash back 的,但後來大概吃不消,眼見市場已經吃下來,就改成 2% cash back 了。

(題外話,自從 Citi Dividend 改成 2% 之後,現在市面上較好又不用年費的 rebate card 大概就是 Chase Freedom 了,提供 3% cash back,而且如果你存到了 $200 的 cash rebate 才領的話,可以拿到 $250。去年 Citi Dividend 調降成 2% cash back 之後,Chase Freedom 就一直辦促銷想要搶下我們這些貪小便宜的人的市場,有興趣想辦的人可以注意看看 Chase 有沒有促銷活動,據說是刷第一筆消費就送額外的錢給你的樣子。)
從 Providence 回來之後就收到了 Citi Dividend 的卡,有了卡號後馬上到網站加入 credit protection,這個有點像保險,每 100 元抽 0.89 元,如果你丟了工作出了意外之類沒法付 credit card bill 的時候,Citi 先幫你墊保護你的 credit record。第一個月免費,隨時可以取消;不過據說它是以信用卡帳單上的款項計算,所以只要在結帳日前一天把帳都清了就不會被收錢。
過了沒幾天,credit protect 的會員信也寄來了,上面寫說四個星期內便會收到免費的 DVD player,真不賴,到時候又可以開始繼續我的電影補完計劃了!
現在家裡看壞的那台是當初辦 Chase credit card 時的贈品,基本上也是會辦 chase 卡的主要原因啦。
上網找了一下看哪裡有免費的 DVD player,發現 citi bank 正在推一個 credit pretection 的活動,只要參加第一個月免費還送 DVD player,不過她只能適用 Citi 的信用卡,所以我只好先申請張 Citi Dividend 來用。
之前參加其它那種送五塊十塊的免費活動時,有寄我的 credit point 給我看過,只記得我的點數還蠻高的,記得不是很清楚,大概是八百多一點點的樣子。 Citi Dividend 不是張好請的卡,她提供消費金額 2% cash back,就是說你每花一百塊可以領回兩塊錢。大概去年中以前還是 5% cash back 的,但後來大概吃不消,眼見市場已經吃下來,就改成 2% cash back 了。
(題外話,自從 Citi Dividend 改成 2% 之後,現在市面上較好又不用年費的 rebate card 大概就是 Chase Freedom 了,提供 3% cash back,而且如果你存到了 $200 的 cash rebate 才領的話,可以拿到 $250。去年 Citi Dividend 調降成 2% cash back 之後,Chase Freedom 就一直辦促銷想要搶下我們這些貪小便宜的人的市場,有興趣想辦的人可以注意看看 Chase 有沒有促銷活動,據說是刷第一筆消費就送額外的錢給你的樣子。)
從 Providence 回來之後就收到了 Citi Dividend 的卡,有了卡號後馬上到網站加入 credit protection,這個有點像保險,每 100 元抽 0.89 元,如果你丟了工作出了意外之類沒法付 credit card bill 的時候,Citi 先幫你墊保護你的 credit record。第一個月免費,隨時可以取消;不過據說它是以信用卡帳單上的款項計算,所以只要在結帳日前一天把帳都清了就不會被收錢。
過了沒幾天,credit protect 的會員信也寄來了,上面寫說四個星期內便會收到免費的 DVD player,真不賴,到時候又可以開始繼續我的電影補完計劃了!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
現在正被 paper 的事弄得焦頭爛額,忽然發現原來再四個禮拜就換我給 group meeting talk 了。真糟,這陣子其實根本沒做實驗,自然也沒有 data,還真不知怎麼報好。
趕 paper 之外還得抽空做幾個實驗擠一點資料出來,光用想的就累了‧‧‧
原本實驗室人多,大概一年只會輪到兩次,這陣子一下子走了 6 個 postdoc 加上 1 個學生 (thanks God Chris stays in the lab...),大概以後輪到的次數會頻繁些了,某方面來說這是好事,只是累了點。
最後還有一絲絲希望,我是輪到在 lab summer break 前的最後一次 group meeting 講,如果這段時間內有甚麼事要推延一個禮拜的話,我就可以等到九月再報了。 Keep my fingers crossed.
現在正被 paper 的事弄得焦頭爛額,忽然發現原來再四個禮拜就換我給 group meeting talk 了。真糟,這陣子其實根本沒做實驗,自然也沒有 data,還真不知怎麼報好。
趕 paper 之外還得抽空做幾個實驗擠一點資料出來,光用想的就累了‧‧‧
原本實驗室人多,大概一年只會輪到兩次,這陣子一下子走了 6 個 postdoc 加上 1 個學生 (thanks God Chris stays in the lab...),大概以後輪到的次數會頻繁些了,某方面來說這是好事,只是累了點。
最後還有一絲絲希望,我是輪到在 lab summer break 前的最後一次 group meeting 講,如果這段時間內有甚麼事要推延一個禮拜的話,我就可以等到九月再報了。 Keep my fingers crossed.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
What Can I Do
I like this song very much. Everytime I hear it, it bring me back to the days in Taiwan preparing the GRE exams for my PhD applications.
Sometimes, there is just nothing you can do. The best way to keep a memory alive is to bundle it with something around you, a song, a book, a letter, or a poem. Once it is fixed, it will never go away.
The Corrs - What Can I Do
I haven't slept at all in days \ It's been so long since we've talked \ And I have been here many times \ I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me \ What can I do to make you care \ What can I say to make you feel this \ What can I do to get you there
There's only so much I can take \ And I just got to let it go \ And who knows I might feel better \ If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me \ What can I do to make you care \ What can I say to make you feel this \ What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, No more aching \ No more fighting, No more trying
Maybe there's nothing more to say \ And in a funny way I'm calm \ Because the power is not mine \ I'm just gonna let it fly
What can I do to make you love me \ What can I do to make you care \ What can I say to make you feel this \ What can I do to get you there
Love me..
Sometimes, there is just nothing you can do. The best way to keep a memory alive is to bundle it with something around you, a song, a book, a letter, or a poem. Once it is fixed, it will never go away.
The Corrs - What Can I Do
I haven't slept at all in days \ It's been so long since we've talked \ And I have been here many times \ I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me \ What can I do to make you care \ What can I say to make you feel this \ What can I do to get you there
There's only so much I can take \ And I just got to let it go \ And who knows I might feel better \ If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me \ What can I do to make you care \ What can I say to make you feel this \ What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, No more aching \ No more fighting, No more trying
Maybe there's nothing more to say \ And in a funny way I'm calm \ Because the power is not mine \ I'm just gonna let it fly
What can I do to make you love me \ What can I do to make you care \ What can I say to make you feel this \ What can I do to get you there
Love me..
Sunday, May 13, 2007
這次應該是凡凡想要爸爸手上的 digital camera 但先指了指看沒反應,便想到抓媽媽的手要媽媽去拿來給他;可惜凡凡媽媽搞不懂凡凡到底要甚麼東西,我看凡凡你還是快點學會講話這樣比較有效啦!
以前 Survivor 剛開始的時候人還在台灣,覺得很好看,不過後來好像第二季後台灣就沒有再買來播了。但說實話看久了也會有點膩就是了。到美國之後才發現原來 Survivor 還在做,剛好這禮拜是最後一集,晚上邊吃飯邊看 Survivor-Fiji Finale,凡凡也跟著我們一起看。
Mother's Day for Peace
The "Mother's Day Proclamation" by Julia Ward Howe was one of the early calls to celebrate Mother's Day in the United States. Written in 1870, Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation was a pacifist reaction to the carnage of the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. The Proclamation was tied to Howe's feminist belief that women had a responsibility to shape their societies at the political level.
[Mother's Day Proclamation]
Arise, then, women of this day! Arise, all women who have hearts whether our baptism be of water or of tears!
Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn. All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We, the women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."
From the bosom of the devastated Earth a voice goes up with our own. It says: "Disarm! Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice." Blood does not wipe out dishonor, nor violence indicate possession. As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil at the summons of war, Let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God.
In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask that a general congress of women without limit of nationality may be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient and at the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace.
[Mother's Day Proclamation]
Arise, then, women of this day! Arise, all women who have hearts whether our baptism be of water or of tears!
Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn. All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We, the women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."
From the bosom of the devastated Earth a voice goes up with our own. It says: "Disarm! Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice." Blood does not wipe out dishonor, nor violence indicate possession. As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil at the summons of war, Let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God.
In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask that a general congress of women without limit of nationality may be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient and at the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Lamont for Days & Nights
最近常窩在圖書館,通常都是去那間倒楣搭上鐵達尼號的人家裡捐的 Widener,Widener 裡面富麗堂皇甚麼都好,只是比起其它的圖書館開放時間稍微短了一點。
寫作這種東西不像上館子吃飯,扯淡聊天再久飯菜一上立刻就可以動手張口吃起來;寫作需要一段時間讓自己慢慢進入到 writing mood 才能開始動作,至少我是這樣。也因為如此每每接近關門趕人的時間,心情便受影響,不太寫得下去。這問題直到不久前我發現原來我們學校有間 24 小時不打烊的圖書館才獲得解決。
Lamont 很特別的地方是他的正門是開在三樓,所以雖然看起來不像 Widener 這麼大間,也是棟六層樓的大圖書館,從另一側看就有六樓了。裡面該有的東西也是一應俱全,書庫和 Widener 是連通的,加上視聽器材或一堆珍本收藏,可以說是大學部裡資源最多的一間圖書館。


我不太清楚,不過據說我們學校是慢了,其它學校早就有全天開放的圖書館了。兩年前的五月學校不知從哪裡要來了筆錢,開始兩年的實驗看看學生是否有此需要。這個月底就是到期的日子,今天在學校報紙上看到學校評估後決定維持 Lamont 全天開放,這樣以後就方便多了!
學校本就有提供免費的 shuttle service,7 pm 之後都可以呼叫學校的 shuttle van 將你送到自家門口,有錢的學校就是不一樣呀!
簡單說,Stanford 校警的薪資是一小時 20 元美金,MIT 則是 $18,而我這間有錢學校裡的校警時薪只有 $12,這是這次學生覺得不公平要幫校警爭取的原因。
(補記: 說著說著今天禮拜五,七點就被趕出 Widener 了,還好現在天暗得晚,還可以坐在 Widener 門口石階上繼續奮鬥...)
寫作這種東西不像上館子吃飯,扯淡聊天再久飯菜一上立刻就可以動手張口吃起來;寫作需要一段時間讓自己慢慢進入到 writing mood 才能開始動作,至少我是這樣。也因為如此每每接近關門趕人的時間,心情便受影響,不太寫得下去。這問題直到不久前我發現原來我們學校有間 24 小時不打烊的圖書館才獲得解決。
Lamont 很特別的地方是他的正門是開在三樓,所以雖然看起來不像 Widener 這麼大間,也是棟六層樓的大圖書館,從另一側看就有六樓了。裡面該有的東西也是一應俱全,書庫和 Widener 是連通的,加上視聽器材或一堆珍本收藏,可以說是大學部裡資源最多的一間圖書館。
我不太清楚,不過據說我們學校是慢了,其它學校早就有全天開放的圖書館了。兩年前的五月學校不知從哪裡要來了筆錢,開始兩年的實驗看看學生是否有此需要。這個月底就是到期的日子,今天在學校報紙上看到學校評估後決定維持 Lamont 全天開放,這樣以後就方便多了!
學校本就有提供免費的 shuttle service,7 pm 之後都可以呼叫學校的 shuttle van 將你送到自家門口,有錢的學校就是不一樣呀!
簡單說,Stanford 校警的薪資是一小時 20 元美金,MIT 則是 $18,而我這間有錢學校裡的校警時薪只有 $12,這是這次學生覺得不公平要幫校警爭取的原因。
(補記: 說著說著今天禮拜五,七點就被趕出 Widener 了,還好現在天暗得晚,還可以坐在 Widener 門口石階上繼續奮鬥...)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Writing, Writing, Writing
Nature 這期的文章。
Writing has a crucial role in many different scientific pursuits
最近開始慢慢地增加了一些文章放在 Alog 裡面,也把 Alog 加大了一些,想我來自四面八方不同背景的朋友們或許有人會感到興趣。不過,不知有多少來這兒晃的人會真的點開文章看就是了。
Anyway,最近在寫 paper (still...),真是件苦悶的事,大致上的感覺就是你知道這個對將來在學術界混口飯吃十分重要,但偏偏你是外國人,怎麼寫都覺得好像不是很滿意,反覆地改來改去。加上好像每次都會發生的現象,就是你得專注做某件事的時候,偏偏就會發現其實有其它事是現在更想做的,抽不開身只好等忙完再說。像是發現最近好多文章可以拿來講講討論一下,不然就是在寫 paper 過程中想到很多實驗的點子也沒法馬上去做,慢慢地寫 paper 好像每天都沒做甚麼事一樣。
題外話,這幾天校園裡有二十個 under 學生為了校警的待遇過低,從 4 號開始絕食抗議,逼迫校方增加校警的薪資。昨天在圖書館時還可以聽到他們在校園裡喊口號。到昨天為止已經有兩個學生被送去醫院了,不過今天校方答應了要和學生們一起開會討論,看來事情應該是會有個圓滿結局。
Writing has a crucial role in many different scientific pursuits
最近開始慢慢地增加了一些文章放在 Alog 裡面,也把 Alog 加大了一些,想我來自四面八方不同背景的朋友們或許有人會感到興趣。不過,不知有多少來這兒晃的人會真的點開文章看就是了。
Anyway,最近在寫 paper (still...),真是件苦悶的事,大致上的感覺就是你知道這個對將來在學術界混口飯吃十分重要,但偏偏你是外國人,怎麼寫都覺得好像不是很滿意,反覆地改來改去。加上好像每次都會發生的現象,就是你得專注做某件事的時候,偏偏就會發現其實有其它事是現在更想做的,抽不開身只好等忙完再說。像是發現最近好多文章可以拿來講講討論一下,不然就是在寫 paper 過程中想到很多實驗的點子也沒法馬上去做,慢慢地寫 paper 好像每天都沒做甚麼事一樣。
題外話,這幾天校園裡有二十個 under 學生為了校警的待遇過低,從 4 號開始絕食抗議,逼迫校方增加校警的薪資。昨天在圖書館時還可以聽到他們在校園裡喊口號。到昨天為止已經有兩個學生被送去醫院了,不過今天校方答應了要和學生們一起開會討論,看來事情應該是會有個圓滿結局。
Monday, May 7, 2007
禮拜一,從 retreat 歸來,特地到實驗室幫另一個 postdoc Puck 餞行,去的還是那間 Pig (一個月內第三次了),當然最後是 Tim 買單。
Puck 要去 Vanderbilt 做教授,席間大家又開心地東扯西扯,討論要選甚麼樣子的 lab coat 當制服才比較酷之類的,Puck 買的新房子離 Al Gore 那間豪宅很近,鼓吹環保不遺餘力的 Gore 自家電費超出平均十倍的事也被拿出來笑了一陣。Puck 的新房子聽起來很不錯,有大大的庭院跟草皮,問了一下房價,Nashville, Tennessee 的房子果然便宜,三十多萬在現在實驗室旁邊的區大概只能買間 1 bedroom condo。
同行的還有一位維也納來的 postdoc candidate,比較不同的是她是做 cosmology 的,專長研究 string theory and dimensions,飯後給了個 talk,裡面充滿了 dark matter & dark energy,果然艱深!看來跟隔壁 Marc 家那個博士研究 big bang 的 postdoc 有拼,太玄妙了。
另外在 retreat 跟 Erin O'shea 談過之後,最後一位還沒有決定去向的 postdoc Dan 終於選擇了 Harvard,現在的問題只剩是要去 DEAS 還是要去 MCB 而已。Dan 是 Ph.D. in Physics,他跟我說做物理的就算有做 postdoc 也都做不久,大概一年或一年半就會找教職了。
唉,做了 terrible decision 去念 graduate school 就算了,竟然連領域都選到個得做四五六年 postdoc 的 life sciences,嗚呼。
最後,寫 paper 真是研究生的無間地獄啊!
Puck 要去 Vanderbilt 做教授,席間大家又開心地東扯西扯,討論要選甚麼樣子的 lab coat 當制服才比較酷之類的,Puck 買的新房子離 Al Gore 那間豪宅很近,鼓吹環保不遺餘力的 Gore 自家電費超出平均十倍的事也被拿出來笑了一陣。Puck 的新房子聽起來很不錯,有大大的庭院跟草皮,問了一下房價,Nashville, Tennessee 的房子果然便宜,三十多萬在現在實驗室旁邊的區大概只能買間 1 bedroom condo。
同行的還有一位維也納來的 postdoc candidate,比較不同的是她是做 cosmology 的,專長研究 string theory and dimensions,飯後給了個 talk,裡面充滿了 dark matter & dark energy,果然艱深!看來跟隔壁 Marc 家那個博士研究 big bang 的 postdoc 有拼,太玄妙了。
另外在 retreat 跟 Erin O'shea 談過之後,最後一位還沒有決定去向的 postdoc Dan 終於選擇了 Harvard,現在的問題只剩是要去 DEAS 還是要去 MCB 而已。Dan 是 Ph.D. in Physics,他跟我說做物理的就算有做 postdoc 也都做不久,大概一年或一年半就會找教職了。
唉,做了 terrible decision 去念 graduate school 就算了,竟然連領域都選到個得做四五六年 postdoc 的 life sciences,嗚呼。
最後,寫 paper 真是研究生的無間地獄啊!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
在 Providence 港邊逛的時候,剛好遇見有人要搬家,便給了我們許多大大小小的玩偶,狀況都很新很好,這大概是這次去 Providence 最大的收獲吧。


裡面還有一大一小的 football,配上之前給凡凡買的 football,剛好 size 大中小都有,可供凡凡不同時期使用,為將來打好基礎啊!
裡面還有一大一小的 football,配上之前給凡凡買的 football,剛好 size 大中小都有,可供凡凡不同時期使用,為將來打好基礎啊!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Future Football Pro
Roger Williams National Memorial
Brown & RISD
禮拜六早上打算去逛逛 Brown 還有 RISD,兩間學校基本上就是建在一個大山丘上,得走一段不短的斜坡上去才到得了校園。


不過我們請飯店免費的 shuttle bus 直接將我們載到 Brown 校園,就不用這麼累了。

之前聽不少人說過 Brown 的校園很漂亮,這次親眼看到覺得也還好,跟現在念的學校感覺差不多,自己學校還漂亮些。

Brown 的校園建在山丘上,所以整個校園也是高低起伏不斷,每次放凡凡下來走走,凡凡就走得東倒西歪重心不穩,雖說 Brown 大學教育全美評鑑數一數二,但看來凡凡對 Brown 是不會有甚麼好印象了。

旁邊的男聲是幫我帶 poster 來的 David。
RISD 的 Gallery,我們到的時候還沒有開,後來去街上逛也是一樣,Providence 好像不到十一點店是不會開的,整個城市的街道都是空蕩蕩的,是個養老的好城市但是可能會無聊到爆吧。


後來走到 RISD 的校區,剛好遇到學生和校友拿作品沿街擺攤叫賣的活動,看了一下,有些確實還不錯,但價錢也貴得有點誇張就是了。
不過我們請飯店免費的 shuttle bus 直接將我們載到 Brown 校園,就不用這麼累了。
之前聽不少人說過 Brown 的校園很漂亮,這次親眼看到覺得也還好,跟現在念的學校感覺差不多,自己學校還漂亮些。
Brown 的校園建在山丘上,所以整個校園也是高低起伏不斷,每次放凡凡下來走走,凡凡就走得東倒西歪重心不穩,雖說 Brown 大學教育全美評鑑數一數二,但看來凡凡對 Brown 是不會有甚麼好印象了。
旁邊的男聲是幫我帶 poster 來的 David。
RISD 的 Gallery,我們到的時候還沒有開,後來去街上逛也是一樣,Providence 好像不到十一點店是不會開的,整個城市的街道都是空蕩蕩的,是個養老的好城市但是可能會無聊到爆吧。
後來走到 RISD 的校區,剛好遇到學生和校友拿作品沿街擺攤叫賣的活動,看了一下,有些確實還不錯,但價錢也貴得有點誇張就是了。
Why War ?
Friday, May 4, 2007
Fan Fan's 3-day-trip in Providence
禮拜五是去 Providence, RI 參加 retreat 的日子,到了學校搭車只花了一小時就到了住宿的 Marriot,領了鑰匙開了房間門,凡凡便迫不及待地四處探索了。

每次到一樓大廳經過 helpdesk 的時候凡凡都會伸手抓顆蘋果在手上,晚上有時想到了就慢慢啃,現在有牙齒了,一顆蘋果也可以喀掉不少。


禮拜日回 Cambridge 前在飯店門口留影紀念一下,凡凡到羅德島一遊。
每次到一樓大廳經過 helpdesk 的時候凡凡都會伸手抓顆蘋果在手上,晚上有時想到了就慢慢啃,現在有牙齒了,一顆蘋果也可以喀掉不少。
禮拜日回 Cambridge 前在飯店門口留影紀念一下,凡凡到羅德島一遊。
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